Chapter 45

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Liam's p.o.v*all rights go to the people who made this song and blah blah*

"Dani I'm going to the bar be back later ok"I said as I poked my head through the bathroom door seeing Dani in the bath.

"Fine, fine just leave me you're messing up my meditation."I  rolled my eyes and walked away.Can't wait until she drops that baby.I grabbed my car keys and headed down to the elevator. 

When it came I dialed up zayn but then I realised he would be busy with Perrie right now so I'll leave him alone. Lets see Andy is too young. I don't really talk to Niall. Harry and Louis probaly have mix feelings about me so it only leaves me with one person. I smiled and dialed a number

Larissa's p.o.v
"Aye another shot,"I yelled to the bar tender

"Give it up for the young lady guys"a person said on the stage tonight was karoke night at the bar and man my heads gonna hurt later from all the aweful singing ,except the last girl she was alright.

 I think her name was Pea?no I think Bea ? I don't fucking know all I know her last name sound like beer(no offense to Bea Miller love her song fire and gold yass anyway)"alright who's next?" Everyone got quiet and went to back with what they was doing.

I chugged down my shot and raised my hand up to get the bar tenders attention when a bright light was shined over me holy shit am I dying? "You come on up"I snapped my head up

"Wait w-what?"I yelled as two guys carried me up to the stage.

Liam's p.o.v.
"Fine,I guess I'm partying with myself"I huffed as I hung up the phone since Larissa's not answering. I stepped inside the bar

"Umm, ok ,like I don't actually sing"I hear someone talk"and when I do it's when I'm alone"I looked up and smiled just the person I wanted to see

"It's fine now lets see what you are singing"the dj said to Larissa.

the karoke machince hummed as it went on shuffle."ohh looks you are singing Just A Fool. Nice ,for any broken hearted love birds in here tonight this is your song."the dj said clicking play and the song started

"Wait but it's a two person song"Larissa said as she got handed a mic,the man shrugged and gave her thumbs up. I  scoffed and pushed my way up to the front

"Uh,Eh"Larissa said"Another shot of whiskey please bartender

"Keep it coming 'til I don't remember at all"the crowd whoooed"How bad it hurts when you're gone"

"Turn the music up a little bit louder
Just gotta get past the midnight hour " my jaw dropped I mean I  heard Larissa sing but it was all mumbles now it's like she was singing her heart out."

Maybe tomorrow it won't be this hard ,Who am I kidding?
I know what I'm missing
Oh, I had my heart set on you
But nothing else hurts like you do
Who knew that love was so cruel

And I waited and waited so long
For someone who'll never come home
It's my fault to think you'll be true

I'm just a fool
Yeah"she stopped as the second verse came on. I  jumpped up on stage

Larissa's p.o.v
I was surprised I was doing this eh must be the vodka as I finished the song I was about to start the second verse when Liam came up making me jump as he started singing.

"I say that I don't care and walk away, whatever
And I tell myself we were bad together

But that's just me trying to move on without you"he sung as he got closer to me.

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