Chapter 51

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Andy's p.o.v

It's one day before the wedding and I'm dreading it to the fullest. Today we're going to visit dad's parent's. Dad has official stripped me of my credit cards so no running away for me.or so he thinks,unlike him I memorized my card info so ha,take that soon as we arrived I darted out the car and over to grandpa and grandma

"Ohh Andy it's been a while,"grandpa said hugging me

"It has really"I said as grandma came and hugged me too

"And you gotton so tall,how tall are you now sweetie?"grandma asked

"Almost 6ft"i answered

"Wow li he's taller then you"my aunt hannah said laughing,dad rolled his eyes.

"Yea but i can still knock him down"dad said as he bumpped my shoulder.i rolled my eyes and entered the house

"So where's future mrs. Payne??!?!?"grams yelled as i went into the kitchen

"So that's larissa?"hannah asked,i shooked my head

"Oh god no that's d-dani"i said in disgust,aunt hannah laughed

"Why the face kiddo?"

"Because she's an b-"

"Andy get my bags"dani said coming into the kitchen,i see dad glaring at me from behind her,i huffed and grabbed her bags taking them upstairs.

Dani's p.o.v
"He's an handful"i said laughing as i sit down at the counter"hannah right"i asked the blonde girl infront of me,she nodded.

"Yea, how come i never met you before?"hannah asked meh,i shrugged

"Busy schedule,don't have time for family visits"i said as i flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Mhm"hannah said

"Yea being a dancer and all"i smirked.

"Oh i used to be a dancer"hannah said smiling.

"Oh what happened you have kids?"i asked as i look at her up and down

"Umm no"she said scrunching her face up.

"Oh"i said looking away trying to hide my smile.

Larissa's p.o.v
"So any wedding bells soon for you and zayn?"i asked smirking at perrie,she blushed.we at a hair dresser getting our hair done i got my hair stripped and dyed to red along with braids,been awhile since i had time hey atleast i dont have to tame my hair everyday.perrie has yet to tell me what she's getting,she says it's a surprise.

"Well i was thinking about it but haven't brought it up yet"she said as she was told to hold her head down,i nodded.

"I hope it's soon"i giggled as i took a sefie and tagged perrie in i was careless scrolling through pez's instagram i saw some comments that piss me off."people are so fucking rude"i mumbled.

"What happened?"i hear perrie say.

"Fans commenting mean stuff on your account and some are saying rude things about zayn"i said pissed

"I learn to ignore it"i huffed

"With some of this shit,you can't let me just"i smirked

"No ris don't start anything"pez begged.

"I'm sorry babe but i'm not letting my best friend get bullied by some jealous hoe's behind a computer screen"i said as i typed on my phone.i hear perrie sigh.

"Well do it on your account"she said giving in,i grinned

"Of course".
5 mins later......

"Done"perrie said. I looked up

"You cut your hair omg i like it!!"i yelled,perrie laughed.

"Something different right?"she giggled as she took a picture and another one with me.

"Right"i said turning to the door"thanks again raechelle"i smiled and waved to the lady that did my hair.i grinned when i saw ashton come over and kiss her

"Hey larissa"he said smiling

"Hey ash"i smiled back.

"Larissa meet raechelle,she's my gf and the one i told you about from high school"ashton said smiling,i grinned"rae larissa went to school with us."

"No way i knew you kinda looked familiar"raechelle said ,i laugh and nodded"i just did her hair"she laughed

"And a pretty damn good job if i might add,this shit aint coming out no time soon"i said laughing

"Oh if it's too tight just spray some water on the braids and it should loosen up"rae said,i nod

"Well babe i gotta go get jasmine from school, your lunch is in the fridge"ashton said as he kissed rae and followed me out the shop.

"Nice meeting you rae"i yelled as i walked over to my car.

"So i'm a father!!"ashton said smiling and getting out his keys

" Congrats ,i see you guys talked it out"i said smiling and patting his shoulder.

"I'll swing by later so you can meet my little princess"i nodded as i hopped in my car.

"Wait ash i stay in my mom's house now"he nodded"i'll text you the address"i yelled back at him.ashton gave me a thumbs up as he drove off.

"There's a hastag trending we love perrie"perrie said smiling,i grinned


Andy's p.o.v
"She called me fat,i'm gonna kill her"aunt hannah growled making me laugh.

"Told ya"i said looking up from my phone.

"I'm going to go talk to liam about this then kill her."hannah said as she openned the door,dani was standing in front of her,aunt rolled her eyes and walked away. Dani walked in and shut the door.

"We need to talk"she said sternly.i rolled my eyes

"What about you leaving ok yea we can"i smirked ,but i was taken by surprise when dani grabbed me by my shirt and pull me closer

"I'm stick and tired of you kid!you have been nothing but rude to me every since you grew of age,now me and your father are getting married and your about to have a brother or sister and i will not tolerate this fucked up attiude loose it or i will not hesitate to put you in a home shelter!" She yelled in my face and pushing me back down.

"Eh go ahead my real mom will come and get me"i said shrugging,dani laughed

"I don't even know why your so wrapped around some women who doesn't even love you"she spat,my heart skipped a beat.

"My mom does love me"i growled back,dani smirked

"Oh you poor silly little boy she never loved you she was only trying to prove a point,that anyone can take care of a kid,she didn't care about you"dani said smirking.

"Your lieing!"i yelled

"If i was then why hasn't she tried to get you back,that little i love you shit is just something to make you think she cares about you"dani said looking at her vision became blurry as i taken in her words."truth hurts doesn't it"she chuckled as she walked over to the door"now when you get done processing all that come downstairs we're leaving"she said as she left slamming my door. When i head her foot steps leave,i smirked and wiped my face and pulling out my phone.

"Oh i processed it alright,aunt pez you got all that"i said into my phone

"Loud and clear she's going down."

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