Chapter 15

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Liam's p.o.v

"No way seriously!!"Zayn said as he ran on the treadmill, I nodded"Wow how do you feel?"

"I don't know man like I feel like we just met all over again,"I said sighing as I placed my head in my hands and bite my fingers

"Let me ask you this,"Zayn said stopping his treadmill,I nod"Do you still have feelings for Larissa?"

I slowly nodded"Yea, I never stopped"

Zayn grinned"Then go after her,"

I shook my head"I just can't go after her zayn she's probably taken and I have Dani now, I can't just drop Dani for someone who I'm not even sure still has feelings for me,"

Zayn shrugged"Whatever mate it's your choice all I'm saying is go after what your heart wants,"I sighed and nodded

"Hopefully, it  will lead me in the right direction,"I said as i get back up and start punching my punching bag.

"You can't never stop training huh?"Zayn smirked,I laughed.

"It's in my blood gotta stay fit"I grinned,Zayn shook his head"How's Perrie?? I see you're still with her things must be pretty good with her?"Zayn smiled and blushed even though his face was red from working out you could still see the pink tint coming from his cheeks.

"I think I'm quitting my player ways ,Li she changed me .I never had anyone like her all them one night stands don't mean shit when it comes to Perrie,"I smiled.

"I'm glad you found someone,so when's  the wedding?"I joked and patted him on the back .Zayn laughed

"Hopefully sometime soon"He happily sighed

Larissa's p.o.v

I was at home packing a few clothes for a couple of nights and grabbed a snack and headed out the house. I was on the way to the  hospital when Calum called me.


"Hey Larissa, I was just calling to see how Andy was doing?"I smiled and turned off my car and hopping out locking the doors behind me.

"Awe that's sweet, he's doing ok ,I called him earlier and he said he was ready to go home,"I hear Calum laugh on the other end.

"I would be too"

"Yea,"I said as I press the elevator button to the 10th floor.

"Oh, I was wondering if you're not busy anytime soon if you wanted to hang out or something?"Calum asked .

I smiled"I could really use that"

"Great um just like let me know when your available and we can chill"

"Ok I'll text you,"I said as I was about to enter Andy's room

"Bye Larissa,"Calum said into the phone

"Bye Cal,"I said as I hung up

"Who was that mom? Was it dad?"Andy asked. I laughed and shut the door and walking over to him

"No, it was Calum," I smiled.

Andy rolled his eyes"Stop talking to him"I raised my eyebrow

"Why?"I asked.

"Because he's getting in the way of you and dad getting back together,"I grinned

"Andy,your dad and I  will probably never get back together,"Andy shook his head

"You never know,"He said. I smiled and rubbed his head,

"So, what have you been doing all day?"I asked changing the subject .

Liam's p.o.v
"Dude just do it,"Zayn said pushing the phone towards me

"But, what if she doesn't come?" I said, stealing glances at the black iPhone sitting on the kitchen counter,

Zayn sighed"Then boom, problem soved and you don't have to worry about your feelings for her you both feel the same way and no more heart breaks"I sighed and picked up the phone dialing it

"hello?"Andy answered

"Andy, is your mom there?"I asked nerves taking over me

"Yea why?" he asked

"Mind telling her to meet me at the park in 20"

"Yes!!!.......I mean will do dad"Andy said as he hung up

"See one hard part is gone,"Zayn said smiling and patting my back

"Yea but now we just have to see if she'll actually come"I sighed and started putting my shoes on.

"Yea well good luck, I have to Skype Perrie"I nodded as he walked away

"Tell her I said hi"I yelled

"Will do!"He yelled back.

 I took in a deep breath and headed out the door  luck is all I need right now.

hey guys so what do you think will happen next stay tune to find out............

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