Chapter 34

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Perrie's p.o.v

So the boss found out that Dani and I aren't as close as everyone is to her so she made me go pick her up so we can "bond" on the way to the radio station i honestly wanted to protest about it but i can't just say :oh i don't like her because she embarassed my bff in front of her son even though he's dani's but you get the point.any way i sighed as i pulled the car in park beeped the horn and waited. I texted larissa since zayn was probaly in class now.i heard the car door open and slam shut

"Lets go"dani demanded,i scoffed

"About time"i mumbled

"Hmm?"dani hummed looking at me i shook my head

*at the station........*
"So dani you and liam ehh"the radio host says causing the other girls to ohh and giggle me secretly gaging."any plans for wedding anytime soon?"

"Well "she started but i interrupted with a fake cough, Dani glared at me

"oops sorry" I smirked secretly

"As i was saying with me and liams busy-"i coughed louder then before again everyone looked at me

"Perrie don't tell me your coming down with something"jesy said,i shrugged

"God i hope not"jesy nodded

"Someone bring the poor girl some water"the radio dj said

"Again as i was saying me and liam havent really ta-"i chugged down my water and blurpped really loudly everyone blusted out laughing as dani was staring at me like she wanted me dead

"Whoah perrie"the dj said causing me to giggle

"Oh trust me thats not all that all she can do have you heard her goat noises"jade said

"Oh please jes can do a baby amazingly"

"This just in listeners this has turned into a talent mix show"the dj said.

5 mins later...
"Alright now that the talent mix is over let's talk about your album"the dj said

" well working on new album Leigh ann said. As she went into details i saw dani looking pale

"Alright guys we're going to take a little break I'll be right back with little mix"the dj said as he turned off the radio. Everyone stood up dani a little wobbly

"Dan you o-DANI"jade yelled as dani passed out ,i giggled under my breath i fell leigh hit my arm as she went to help dani,i rolled my eyes

Larissa's p.o.v
"Hello?"i answered as i stuffed some food in my mouth

"Your at home right?"liam asked

"Umm no"i lied

"Not nice to lie larissa"he laughed,i scoffed

"Am not"i chipped

"Oh really then tell me why your sitting on the couch watching man of steel and eating a poptart smores kind i might add"i looked down fuck he was right,i groaned and hug up the phone and headed to door and openning it."you know i should spank you for lieing"he smirked and hugged me i laughed

"I'm so sorry daddy"i said sarcastically and shut the door

"Good girl"he grinned i raised my eyebrow at him until i realized what this played out to be.

"Oh my gosh"i said as i hit his arm,liam just laughed

"Hey your gonna hurt the present"i looked at him

"Present?"i asked,he nodded and opened his arms,my eyes widen at the small baby kitten"a kitty"i whispered yelled as i gently take it from liam,he smiled

"Yeap found her since you love cats so a little girl came and knocked on the door and i went with her to go find it went to go find the cat and brought her home she was stranded so yea"he explained

"Aweee that's so sweet now i gotta go buy some kitten stuff"i said as i rub the kitten ,liam nodded

"Well let's go"i looked up at him

"I don't get paid until friday"liam shrugged

"So i'll get the stuff come on"i smiled

"Really?"he nodded

"Yea it's my cat too soo"he shrugged and opened the front door

"So we having a cat together?"i said smirking

"Well we already kinda have a kid together so why not"i laughed as liam helpped me to the car.

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