Chapter 13

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Larissa's p.o.v*outfit at top*

"So where are we going today?"Andy asked me.I finished putting on my lip gloss and grabbed my beanie and phone.

"We're going to see grandma"I answered. Andy's face lit up.

"Grandma!!"He yelled as he took off into the living room.I laughed.

"What's all the noise for?" Niall groaned.

"Niall,I'm going to see my mother today so we'll be back later ok,"I said slowly so he could understand,Niall nodded still half sleep.I giggled and walked into the living room.I hear Andy come out of the bathroom.

"Ready?"I asked.He nodded and opened the door for us"Thank you" I said to Andy and smiled. 

30mins later
"Wait grams lives here?"I nodded.

"Yea umm since grandpa died I put her in a home so she could be taken care off better than I would,"I said biting my lip.

"I'm sorry about that mom"I smiled.

"It's fine he's in a better place over the years our relationship did fall apart so it doesn't hurt that much"I see Andy nod as we entered the nursing  home.

"Hello, Larissa here to see Martha "I nodded at the lady"Who's this fine young man?"

"My son"She smiled.

"He's adorable"I laughed and nodded as Andy blushed and rolled his eyes"Follow me"She said we did as told"now Larissa I hate to stay this but your mom is getting worse to the point where all we can do is put her in the hospital and hope for the best"I sighed and frowned.

"Mom,whats wrong with grandma?"Andy asked me.

"She's getting old Andy and her health is acting up on her"Andy frowned his hazel eyes turning to a darker brown.

"Oh,"He said quietly"I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arm around his side while we walk to my moms room.

"Martha you have a guest,"the nurse said.

"Who is it?"my mom called.

"It's Larissa and Andy"

"Who's that?"My mom said.

"Your daughter and grandson"The nurse answered.

"Daughter and grandson?"My mom said making my heart clenched,I hear the nurse sigh.

"Just go on in show her your face maybe she will remember you"Ii nodded and entered the room

"Mom,"I said quietly as I approach her,the sound of her rocking chair echoing the room.

"Hi, baby how are you"I sighed in relief and hugged her.

"I'm great,how are you? The nurse told me about you" She smiled.

"Just hanging in there who's this?"She said looking on the other side of me.

"Mom remember the little boy you let me keep?"She nodded.

"This is him," I said smiling.

"Hi grandma,"Andy said waving my mom smiled wide and pulled him into a hug

"on Andy it's been so long look at you looking like your father"i hear Andy giggle

"I knew you and liam would hook up again,"mom said ,i looked down"oh don't tell me he shipped Andy down to you and left"i shook my head

"no actually Andy here decided on coming down here without his fathers permission just to see me "i said glaring at him andy held his head down

"oh larisa you can't blame the poor boy,he missed his real family"i sighed

"mom his real family is back in England"

"no it's not they don't care about me they care about their career more than me"andy huffed

"andy you have to understand i know it's hard adjusting to all that but you have to understand that your father is gonna come looking for you and take you back home and i can't stop him"Andy rolled his eyes and glared at me

"no you don't want to stop him"he said brushing past me"see you later grams"he yelled i sighed

"look what you did larissa you got the poor boy upset"i scoffed

"well mom i can't lie to him it will only make it worse"my mom sighed

"well it would have been better than the truth right now"i stayed quiet

"mam visiting hours are over"the same nurse from earlier said i nodded and gave my mom a hug and kiss ,said a soft"goodbye and love you"and left i looked around and saw andy eatting at some kind of food place i opened the door

"table for one?"the Chinese lady said i shook my head

"oh no my sons here"she look over at where i was pointing and nodded letting me through i sat down infront if andy  but he just ignored me

"look andy im sorry that the truth hurts but would you rather i lie and make it hurt even more or tell the truth?"he shrugged

"i feel like the lie would be better"i huffed

"so you want to get your hopes up only to be let down"he nodded

"that's what most people do"he said in a smartass tone

"well sorry but your not like most people i taught you better than that"

"well maybe i want to be like most people"i groaned

"your so stubborn"he smirked and twirled his fork around whatever he was eating

"wonder who i get it from"i rolled my eyes

"your father"andy shook his head"dani?"i shrugged andy grinned"wait i am not stubborn"

"yea ya are ,your also in denial"i rolled my eyes

"yea,yea whatever what are you eating it looks undone?"i rasied my nose up in disgust

"some kind of sea animal it's good has a little thingy taste to it.....wanna try?"he asked as he rasied his frook i shook my head and back away

"ewe no"andy shrugged and places the food in his mouth,he stood up and placed some money on the table

"lets go"he said pulling my hand and heading out the door

Liam's p.o.v
"yea if you just turn that to the left iy should work"i explained to mr.sand as i stood up from his lawn mower  he nodded and did as told,seconds later it started up

"hey you was right thanks liam"i smiled and nodded

"no problem anything sir"i said walking away and waving to them.i was about to go inside Zayn's house when my phone rung"hello?"


"yes this is he"

"this is nurse Patricia at the Vancouver hill hospital and i'm calling to tell you ,your son andy is in the hospital"my eyes widen

"ok I'm on my way now thank you"i said as i hurried to get in to my car and drove off.

1 hour later................
"uh yea you guys just called me about my son andy payne"the nurse grinned and nodded

"room 232,sir"i nodded and ran down the hallway

"228,229,230,231"i counted out loud"232!!!"i yelled and busted in

"um excuse me my son is trying to take a nap"a female voice said i quietly shut the door and turned around"can i help y-LIAM"i looked up and saw larissa oh god

two updates in one day you guys should love me hehe

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