Chapter 24

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Larissa's p.o.v

"Niall, you guys are still hiring right?"I asked him as I handed him a box of Sweet Tarts.He huffed out some air while nodding.

"Oh, don't tell me you got fired from Wal-Mart?"He frowned

"Oh,no,my son's gf wanted a job and I told her she can apply here" I said smiling.Niall nodded

"Little ol' Andy got him a girl?"Niall said surprised "I've been talking to Ella for months  and still not together with her,and this little shit gets a girlfriend in less then two months"I busted out laughing"Tell your son to teach me his ways,"

"I'll Ask but, I don't know how much he'll charge though"I grinned as Niall laughed.

"I know I can get a discount, I'm practically family,"I nod and hand him another box. Niall and I chatted for awhile before a loud noise erupted in the store.  Niall and I looked up ,A girl who knocked over the whole chocolate stand and ran out the door

"Stop her!!"someone yelled. Niall looked up at me.

"Ohh no, I have heels on,"I said while shaking my head.Niall pouted,I groaned"You fucking own me asshole,"I mumbled as I took off running after the girl.

"Hey stop!!"I yelled to the girl she looked back and ran faster"Oh this bi-"I said as I took off my shoes ,leaving them behind and picked up the speed. We ran all the way through the big ass mall as we approached the big water fountain.

 I have no idea where mall police were. I ran over to a shoe stand"Hi, yea can I just.."I said as I picked up a high heel and flung it at the girl she turned around and ducked and turned back to the statue.

"Did you really just throw a sh-?"The girl said as I tackled her.What I didn't except was to be in the water when Itackled her. damn should have thought this through. I forgot the girl was under me so she shoved me off of her

Shit trying to freaking kill me?"She said while coughing up water.

"Oh sorry,"I apologized and helpped her up she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever"she said as she got out of the water I followed her and grabbed her shirt"what?!?!?"she snapped

"chill the hell out your ass is in the freaking wrong stealing and shit im turning you in"i said as i tighten my grip on her shirt,the girls eyes widen

"no please I'll give it back ,please don't turn me in I'll go back to hell,all i wanted was something to eat"she said bawling,my face went from anger to saddness.

"cmon"i said as i pulled her away to the exit.we walked past Niall's shop and i see him and calum cleaning up.we made it out the door to my car"i have child lock so no use in trying to run"i said closing the door behind me and getting in on my side.

39mins later....
"if I'm not mistaking we past the police station."the girl said,I nodded"were are we?"

"my house cmon"i said as i got out and opened her door"of you don't run i won't turn you in got it!"she nodded"i know you can't trust me but I'm not a rapist the store you store from my bff works there"she nodded as i open the door to my apartment.

"nice place"she said,i smiled


"babe your home"liam said walking in shirtless and in boxers and a sandwhich and his phone in his hands"who's this?"he said while coming and hugging me and kissing my check

"long story but this is...."

"  Phoebe"she said smiling

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