Chapter 50

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Liam's p.o.v

I groaned as I look over the wedding plans.I didn't think plainning a wedding was so hard."master Payne would you like a snack you been stuck up here for hours"my butler said,I  laughed

"That would be nice thank you"he smiled and nodded"oh and have you seen my son?"i asked

"No he's also been in his room for a long period of time"mel said ,i sighed and nodded as mel left.i sat the papers down and stood up out of my seat ,my bones popping in the process and headed out the door.

"Who is it?"andy yelled,as i knocked on his door

"It's me"i said as i stopped knocking

"Me?me who? I don't know any me's"andy questioned,i sighed and tried to hold in my laugh

"Andy"i tried to say in a serious voice but failed

"Andy,wait that's me i don't know any other me"andy yelled again,i chuckled and the door slowly cracked open"hey dad"andy said smiling and letting me in "whats up?"he asked siting at his desk.

"Your mo-dani"i sigh,correcting myself to avoid another arguement" is driving me crazy with this wedding"i chuckled and took off my glasses"right now i don't even think she made out a list of invites"andy nodded

"Have you invited anybody you wanted to come,dad?"andy asked
me,i nodded

"Yea but half of them probaly won't show"i sighed.

Larissa's p.o.v
I wiped the rest of my tears as i was driving away to my house.i had just visit my mom's grave and i decided on having a little chat with her and bring her some flowers.i parked my car in front of my apartment complex grab the little bags of food i brought and shutting my car door.i spotted a moving truck and seconds later saw calum and ashton carrying a sofa,michael's sofa down the stairs.when i made it upstairs i peeked into michael's apartment and see it half emptied and him standing in the middle."mike what's going on?"i asked him as i walked over to him

"Oh didn't you here this place is getting tore down and made into a mini mall"he said as he tapped up a box,my eyes widen.

"Wait what when is this happen?"

"Umm like couple of days ago,oh wait you wasn't at the meeting."i shake my head

"So wait we have to move out now!"i panic.

"Oh now we have a week,but i already found a new and better place about a week ago"i nodded

"Hey we're ready when you are bro,hey larissa"ashton said smiling and giving me a side hug.mikey nodded.

"Ok can you grab this last box and i'll get this one?"mikey asked while handing ashton the box."well i guess this is it"he pouted,i smiled and sat my bags down as he ran over to hug me,i laughed"i'ma miss you babe"i smiled and rubbed his back

"I'ma miss your crazy ass to mikey "he laughed and kissed my cheek.i waved to him and the boys as they pulled off and drove away. I checked my mail and unlocked my door."hello midnight"i said to the baby kitten as she purred and followed me into the kitchen.after i put up all my food i sat down at my table and went through my mail"bils,bils,bils,coupons oh yay,bils-wait that ones not mine the hell,junk mail-"i paused when i got to a letter that looked like it's from someone"hmm"i said as i picked it up i saw it was from liam,i rolled my eyes"junk mail"i said as i threw it down on the table.

"Laaaarrriiissaa!!!"i hear nadia yell,i groaned as she came in smiling,her and aiden came in.

"I'm starting to regret giving you a key"i said laughing as she raided my fridge.

"Lies"she yelled

"Hey auntie"aiden said hugging me

"So whats up?"nadia said as she sat down next to aiden.

"Well i have to move"i said frowning as opened a letter.

"Why?"nadia asked as she smacked aiden's hand away from her chips.

"Because aparently this place is getting teared down and turned into a mini mall."i pouted,nadia frowed"and i only have less than two weeks to move"

"That's freaking crazy don't worry if you can't find a place you can come stay with me,aiden and luke"nadia said smiling,i nodded

"Thanks,and look i have to go over my moms will today....... Holy shit today i have to go"i said getting up and running to find some shoes and freshen up.

"Hey rissa you have some mail from liam it's plane tickets and a wedding invite for everyone"nadia yelled .i stopped lacing up my shoe.

"Oh"i said as i finished lacing up my shoes and heading back out to the front.

"We should go"she suggested i stayed quiet

"I don't know"i shrugged"look i have to go so i'll text you"i said as i left my appartment.
Hour later........

"So your mother didn't leave much but it's something"the old man said,i nodded.

"It's fine knowing that she thought of me when she wrote it was enough."i smiled

"Well she left you her car,she also said the mortgage is paid off"i nodded"oh and she left you her savings which is 10,000"i snapped my head up"along with her house"i covered my mouth as tears fled to my eyes as the man handed me the check and the house deed and keys.

"I can't believe thank you jesus,it's like she knew i was in a time of need,thank you mama"i whispered as i wipped my face.

"Well is there anything else we can do for you give us a call ok."i nodded and thanked the man and walked out.i dialed nadia up.

"Hello"she answered

"It's moving day bae!!"i smiled

Hi guys happy 4th of july hope its going well mines is ehh i been sleeping all weekend lol .

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