Chapter 12

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Liam's p.o.v

I grabbed a taxi to an old friends house paid the women driving and got out"Thanks again mam,"she smiled and nodded as I closed the door and she drove off . I sighed and picked up my bag and carrying it to the front door and knocked.

"Who is it?"I hear someone yell I smiled as the door slowly creaked opened"Liam mate!!"Zayn yelled as he finished opening the door and let me in"Dude it's been so long come,come,"He said as he shut the door and lead me into the living room.

"I know,how have you been?"I asked he smiled

"Good,good,how about you Mr.Famous boxer?"I laughed

"Pretty good,"Zayn nodded"what do you do now?"

"Oh,well I work down at the high school as an English teacher and on the weekends I do art classes at the center downtown"I nodded

"What brings you down here?"he asked as he stood up"drink?"I nodded as he took off into the kitchen

"Well, Andy decided on coming down here without my permission and now I'm on a hunt to find him"

"Wow, why do you think he came back?"Zayn said as he handed me my drink,I shrugged. Zayn looked at me

"OK, I think he came for Larissa,"I sighed,he nodded"Have you seen her lately?"Zayn shook his head I frowned"Oh,"I said kinda hurt

"Yea,"Zayn said"hey bro you can stay here for awhile if you like"I grinned and nodded

"Thanks," I grinned ,he smiled

"No problem anything for a friend,"He said as he gave me a handshake.

"I wonder where Andy is actually at?"I said.

Andy's p.o.v
"That's not fair how come you guys get to spend time with him?"I hear my mom say into the phone

"Well, shit Larissa we asked if you wanted to come and you said in the exact words"no you guys go ahead"so ha !bye love I'll make sure Harry doesn't sacrifice him to the monkeys again"uncle Lou said before hanging up, I laughed.

"Your mom gosh, what a handful but we love her" uncle Harry and I nodded"We wouldn't have taken you to the Zoo but every other Saturday we go so, blame Harry,"Louis said. I laughed

"Yea....wait hey"Harry pouted as Louis laughed.

"Come on guy lets get something to eat,"Louis said dragging us to the food court.

"Meet back up in 10?"Harry said. We nodded and took off in different directions. I ended up going to a burger stand and ordering.

"Hi, welcome to big burgers what would you like?"the girl said looking up at me. I smiled"Andy hi"jasmine said grinning

"Hi Jaz,how are you?" I asked her,

She nodded"Good,you?"

"Better now that I reunited with my family,"Her smiled faded a little

" do you know what you're getting?"she asked. I shrugged

"Ehh I'll just take a bacon cheese burger and a large fry"she nodded and typed in my order

"Oh, my breaks coming up mind if i sit with you?"i shook my head

"actually i would like some company"i smiled ,she blushed and nodded

"ok!,be right back with your order"i nodded and moved out of line and waited. a couple of mins went by and jasmine came out with our food

"where do you wanna sit?"i asked taking the tray from her,she shrugged and started laughing

"well i think we should sit by the long haired lady waving like crazy"i squinted my eyes in the direction jaz was looking and shook my head  in embarrassment

"that's not a women,that's just  my crazy uncle harry"I said hiding my face. i hear jaz giggle

"well lets go"she said as she pulled my arm toward the table where my uncle's was sitting

"an,who's this?"harry said smiling at jasmine

"I'm jasmine Andy's friend"jaz said

"hello love i'm harry and this is my fianceé louis"harry said moving over so she could sit down ,i sat down by louis"so how did you guys meet?"he asked

"we meet at the airport"jaz said harry and louis nodded

"so are you too ....."louis said with his mouth full of food harry slapped his arm

"oh no"i said"she has a bf"harry and louis nodded

"well would you look at that my breaks over,i'll see you around andy"jaz said as she got up and threw her trash away and going back to work

"andy i think she likes you"harry said

"she can't like me she has a bf ,plus we just met"i said louis shrugged

"never question love"he said while wiping his mouth ,harry nodded

"yea,well lets go see more animals eh"i said  with a half smile

hey guys sorry for the loong wait so much stuff been going on

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