Chapter 47

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Larissa's p.o.v

The funeral went by quickly well because my mom didn't really talk to people . If I  had to say, I had more friends then my mom and my circle is small.

I was currently in a sandwitch with Louis and Harry as they cuddled me telling me it was ok while crying themselves  I ended up crying again because I'm one of them people who cries when others are crying damn emotional thingy.

"Here",I said as I handed them something to wipe their tears with

"I'm fine guys. I did my crying days ago"I laughed,they nodded and let go of me

"Are you  s-sure?"Louis said placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. 

He sighed and placed a kiss on my temple. Harry did the same and hugged me as he stood back up and walk away. Perrie and Zayn came over and said some words followed by Jesy,Leigh, and Jade.I smiled and thanked all of them.

"You ready? everyone's leaving to the grave site now"Nadia said. I nodded and frowned as I see Liam and Dani"I'll meet you guys there"I said as I walked over to them

"Larissa I am so-"Liam started

"Why is she here?"I interrupted him, Liam scrunched up his face

"Excuse me?"he said confused

"You're excused,now answer my question?"I snapped

"Um because I ca-"Dani said

"Shut up ,I didn't ask you"I snapped on her

"Larissa why are you being rude?"Liam asked. I laughed

"Me rude,ha funny Liam you're the one rude bringing this bitch to my mom's funeral,"I said in disbelief

"Bitch ?I go-"Dani started

"Dani, I swear to fucking god if you talk again, I will punch you in the face," I said glaring at her.

"I can't believe you grew the balls to show up somewhere your unwanted again"I growled,"you're not prego in the face so I won't go to jail,"I smirked

"Larissa, why should it matter who I bring?"Liam asked his face showing more and more anger,I stopped my foot

"Did you not just hear what just came outta your mouth?god you are such an idiot,"I mumbled while holding my head

"You are overreacting ,Dani just wanted to show her respects,"Liam said calmly.

I groaned"Bullshit Liam,she doesn't give a fuck about my mom, the asshole didn't even know her"Liam huffed

"You're being fucking unfair Dani's not bothering anybody"Liam finally snapped,I rolled my eyes

"Nobody likes her dumbass, you can't see it cause your blind as a bat!!" I yelled Liam huffed again

"Come on Liam let her at like a bi-"before Dani could finish my fist collided with her nose knocking her on the ground.

"Dammit Dani,what's in your nose concrete?"I said shaking my hand it stings a lot

"Larissa you need to..oh god,"Michael said as he came back in

"Leave!"I demanded in a harsh tone to Liam and Dani.Liam glared at me before helping Dani up and leaving out the door the force of the slam from the door echoing in the funeral home.I turned to grab my stuff and left

"What happened in there?"Michael said as he stood next to me as we watch the preacher say a prayer.

"I think I fucked up big time,"I said as the preacher lowered my mom into the ground.

Hello peeps would have been longer but this was a just a random thought and boom .so whatcha think was larissa outta line for punching dani and making a big fuss or did she have a point?

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