Chapter 18

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Larissa's p.o.v

"Oh my fucking god seriously why do you have to be so stupid!!"I yelled at the tv

"you been playing that stupid game for three days straight"Niall said coming in stretching and sitting beside me on the couch

"nu un i went to work"i stated proudly,he laughed

"to work and home wow so adventurous"he sarcastically said i rolled my eyes and focused back on the game"where's Andy?"he asked i shrugged

"he's either staying with harry and Louis,Nadia or liam"i said frowning as batman kept taking hits from the joker

"oh I'm surprised you haven't been spending time with him"i paused the game and looked over at Niall

"i have to... just not recently"he nodded

"why?"he asked i stayed quiet"oh your not trying to avoid him are you"i laughed

"oh no it's his dad I'm trying to avoid"

"why?"i groaned

"if you say why one more time"i said while saving my game.

"why?"he smirked i rolled my eyes
"I'm leaving"i said as i got up and headed to our room

"finally"Niall said i rolled my eyes and went over to my drawers pulling out a black flower tank top and blue jean shorts. after i put them on and did my make up, i walked over to my closet and grabbed my black sandals and my black hat i stole from perrie,grabbed my purse and headed back out to the living room with Niall still on the couch."i was kidding wait where are you going?, don't leave me"he wined.

i smiled"going out for a walk wanna come?" he shook his head.

"yea you had me at walk ,have fun maybe we can go get ice cream"he said turning back to tv. i giggled.

"goodbye horan"i said as i grabbed my keys

"love you!!" he yelled out as i shut the door. i didn't know where i was going but i ended up at the local thrift store.

"hello"the lady at the front said i smiled and said a quiet hello and grabbed a cart from the side besides walmart thrift stores are my second all time favorite stores . i smiled and hummed along to this love by marron 5. A hour later and i almost filled my cart up thank god for discount Friday. after i tried my stuff on and payed for it i filled up my car with my bags and took off.i stopped to get some snacks and some gas before heading off to nadia and Luke's house.

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