chapter 46

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Larissa's p.o.v

I haven't left my room for days literally the morning after mom died I gathered all my snacks up and bought some and hide out in my room called out of work and shut off my phone. I'm pretty sure people think I'm dead.I sat in my bed staring at the ceiling.

"Larissa fucking Elizabeth Moore!!"I hear someone yell. I groaned as my room door slammed open.I see a pissed off Harry standing next to my bed

"What?"I said annoyed,Harry glared at me

"Don't fucking what me missy,"I sighed. Harry's not the harsh curser but when he does he's pissed off."Where have you been? ,everyones been worried about you! people  thought you killed yourself or something!"I shrugged

"I needed time,"Harry sighed and ploped down next to me

"But a whole week,Ris you didn't have to go through this alone,"he said grabbing my head.I stayed quiet"you got the kids all shooken up us crying and praying you are fine"

"I'm sorry,I usually do this. when my mom's mom died.I did the same thing I was so close to grams then she died of cancer and I just thought my world stopped ," I said sadly 

"But, my mom helpped me through it and now that she's gone I guess my mind thought I didn't have anyone,"I said as I sit up and look at the floor. Harry sat up and hugged me

"I'm sorry love, but, please don't scare us like this again ok?"I nodded.

I looked around"My rooms a mess huh" Harry looked around and laughed

"Yes it is,"he chuckled

"Well I guess I better get started cleaning,"I said standing up

"Need help?"Harry asked.I nod.

2hours later...
After Harry and I cleaned up and called everyone telling them I was ok we sat on the couch with Phoebe and Melaine.

Oh, if you must know the twins reunited and yea Mel's been coming over and spending time with Phoebe and I think it's great. As everyone was making small chit chat the door bell rung

"I'll get it,"Harry said as he got up

"There they are Phil,"the same lady I saw at walmart said pushing past Harry and coming to the twins and hugging them"I missed you guys so much"I looked to Harry and he shrugged"thank you so much for watching them"I slowly nodded

"Umm, who are you?"I asked. the lady giggled

"Oh, how rude of me I'm Tracy ,Melanie and Pheobe's foster mom and thats Phil, their foster dad,"I nodded

"We were devastated when Phoebe had left we tried everything to find her"I nodded"but, nothing came up then recently we noticed Melanie's been sneaking out and coming home late so we followed her and boom lead us here"she said smiling"You're in big trouble missy, why didn't you just tell us where you were going?

"Because you would have just locked me in my room"Melanie snapped,I looked over at her

"Thats called grounding Mel something you're on when we get home"Mel groaned,"Now let's go ,girls,"Tracy said

"Wait can I at least say bye...alone?"Pheobe asked Tracy nodded and  stepped out with Phil.

"2 minutes and thank you, mam, again"Tracy smiled at me as she left out the door

"Are you crazy you can't just let then take us"Mel yelled at me,I stayed quiet

"Girls it's gonna be ok, we will keep in touch ok,"Harry said reasuring them,Melanie scoffed and walked out

"Pheobe, I thought you said she could help guess not,"Mel said as she lefted

"Pheob I'm-"I muttered out

"It's fine Larissa no hard feelings ok thats for everything"she smiled as she hugged me and lefted,I sighed

"Deju vu huh?"Harry asked frowning

"Yea,just a little"I whispered

Ello guys how are ya hope your doing great after all this drama with both fandoms

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