chapter 6

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Andy's p.ov.

"How was school?"Dad asked me as he cut into his chicken. I shrugged.

"The usual boring"I answered quietly. He nodded.

"Anything happened?"I shook my head.

"No"I answered plainly. He sighed.

"So Andy your birthday...?"Dani started.

"Yea what about it?"I asked glaring at her.

"Your dad told me about you wanting to go to America and I think.."I smiled and stood up straight in my chair. Is Dani finally being nice to me?

"I think it's a terrible idea I mean what's in America nothing but fating foods and people who have no taste. I just think its a waste of time why don't we go somewhere exciting like Jamaica or Australia or even better Africa?"I frowned seriously Dani.

"No, I want to go to America"I demanded

"And I said no"she snapped. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"It's my fucking birthday!"I yelled . Dad glared at me.

"Watch your mouth boy"He growled.

"I can't help it if I want something so simple as going to going to America it's not like we don't have any money, we're freaking rich . I don't even see what the problem is I'm so fucking sick of this it's like I don't even matter. I'll just spend my birthday locked up in my room"I snapped and ran to my room slamming my door.

I searched for my phone and found that Aiden had called me so I dialed Aiden's number and called him.

"Finally, you called back"he joked I half laughed "What's wrong that wasn't a real laugh bro"I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

"I blew up at dinner," I said staring at the wall.

"Damn bro I'm sorry"I sighed again

"It's fine,"I said as I lay back on my bed.

"Hey, maybe this good news will cheer you up"I scoffed.

"Really?"I said staring at the ceiling.

"Yes,"I grinned.

"Try me"I smirked.

"I found your mom"my face fell.

"W-wait what?"I said sitting up "Can you repeat that?"I asked making sure I heard that right. Aiden laughed.

"I said I found your mom bro!!"he yelled I smiled and fist pumped the air

"Oh my god seriously where?"I said grabbing my computer and logging on.

"Instagram but I found her facebook page too,by the way, dude your mom is still hot "I rolled my eyes and logged on Facebook.

"Eww bro seriously,anyway whats her name?" I asked as i clicked on the search tab.

"turns out it was her middle name and last name"I nod and typed it in.

"Elizabeth Moore,"I said as I typed it in. I smiled and laughed as her profile popped up. I started going through her pictures.

"Find her?"Aiden asked me. I grinned.

"Oh yea I found her"My eyes widen as I see the picture I took of her and dad with the caption:"mommy's little man already learning how to take pictures"

"Andy, did you friend her yet?"Aiden said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh..oh no not yet. I should, though ,I look like a kid stalker liking all her pictures"I chuckled Aiden laughed.

" what did your folks say about coming over here?"I sighed.

"That was kinda was the reason I blew up tonight,"I said standing up and stretching.

"Oh, so what are you gonna do?"I walked over to my door.

"I don't know Aiden?"I said as I opened my door.

"Why does he want to go to America so bad who's over there Liam?"I heard Dani say.

"I don't know Dan maybe a friend?"My dad said. I rolled my eyes

"I don't care who it is, he's not going we have no reason to go so he doesn't,plus he has school.I'm not letting him miss that for some stupid trip to America "Dani snapped "why doesn't she want me to go to America so bad?"

"I don't know bro"I jumped.

"Crap I forgot you were still on the phone," I said laughing.

Aiden laughed"yeap heard everything dude"

"So what are we going to tell him Dani?"my dad asked

"nothing if he wants to be a brat and stay locked up in his room then so be it. He's in one of them teenage phases"I huffed.

"Teenage phase?"Aiden and I said at the same time.

"I'll show them teenage phase. Aiden clear a spot on your bed for me. I'm coming over"Aiden laughed as I stayed quiet walking over to my closet and pulling out a duffle bag.

"Oh fuck you're serious"I huffed.

"Yes I am ,I'm catching the next plane out,"I said as I grabbed my laptop and googled the next plane to America.

"Oh ..umm want me to go-" Aiden said. I cut him off.

"Already done"I finished for him. He laughed.

"How are you gonna get out of the house?"I rolled my eyes.

"The front door duh" I like it was the obvious thing in the world.

Aiden fake laughed."Ha ha I meant without your dad and Dani figuring out"

"Oh um waiting until they go to sleep stop asking easy questions "he sighed.

"Sorry, this is just crazy and rushed. I mean how do you know she'll even remember you?"I stopped what I was doing.

"Aiden are you doubting me now?,"I said frowning

"no,no,no Andy I would never do that ,all I'm saying is I don't want you to come down here and it's all bad"I sighed and nod

"I know dude but hey if it is we can just hang out"

"Yea, of course, well andy I'm getting sleepy"he yawned.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning goodbye Aiden,"I said as I hung up .I finally finished packing my stuff when my door was opening.

I hurried and threw my stuff under the bed and hurried to pretend to be on my laptop listening to music my dad walked in smiling. I smiled back taking out my headphones.

"Hey, are you ok?"I nodded"I just wanted to say I know you're mad about the whole America thing but maybe later on in the years we can go visit yea?"I shrugged.

"What if I don't wanna go then,"I said looking at my dad with bored eyes He shrugged.

"well we will just have to figure that out later, night kiddo"I nod as he slowly shut the door.

"Night dad"I smirked as I clicked purchase on my plane ticket.

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