Chapter 12

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Tobirama led them back to their room, deep in his own thoughts.

Chikako's hair hung in damp tendrils around her face, still flushed from the heat of the hot spring. Combined with her nervous glance and shy smile, Tobirama was once again reminded of the different worlds they came from.

How would she mange in Konoha? His world was so different from the one she'd been raised in, and she'd likely be thrown into it the moment they arrived tomorrow. Thus far she'd taken everything in stride, except for her panic on their wedding night. Anger flashed through him, would he ever forgive Hata for the disrespect he'd shown his own daughter? It was unlikely, but hopefully they'd have little contact from here on out.

"Everything okay?" The robes they had been given to wear back to their room left little to the imagination. Tobirama forced his eyes to look anywhere besides the pulse that throbbed in her throat and the alluring softness barely hidden in the wrap of her robe.

This girl, who was now his wife, might be a woman in body and age, but she'd never been given a chance to grow up and explore what that meant for her. Instead she'd been hidden, insulated from the world, and saved as a sacrifice for her village. Tobirama corrected himself, Chikako's village was now Konoha. And he see to it that she was given the chance to be who she wanted to be. Even if that meant letting her leave his side.

Tobirama offered Chikako his arm, leading her toward their room when she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. They were quiet, their slippers brushing quietly against the shiny wood floor, whispering in the halls of the inn. At their room, Tobirama unlocked the door and stepped back so she could enter first.

The room wasn't fancy. The bed, large enough for both of them without being oversized, dominated the right side of the space, a small table with chairs sat against the far wall. At the foot of the bed were two easy chairs with a table between them and just enough space to walk between them and the bed.

Chikako stood frozen in front of the chairs staring at his armor which littered the bed. Her eyes were wide and dark, her lower lip pinched between her teeth.

"I shouldn't have dropped my armor on the bed." Tobirama gathered it up and moved to hang it, waiting for her to recover from whatever had shaken her.

Chikako wasn't easily frightened, he wanted more than anything to ask her what bothered her. 

"You can use the bathroom to get dressed, Chika. I'll be quick. And then we can go eat dinner. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

His words seemed to bump her out of her thoughts. She met his eyes with wariness and then dug through her pack for her clothes before running for the bathroom.

When she emerged he was dressed and sitting in an armchair. She glanced up with a startled look when he caught his breath.

She was wearing a wrap top covered with jewel toned butterflies on a midnight blue background and voluminous black pants that were gathered at her ankles. As she crossed the room she pulled her damp hair over her shoulder and, once she'd retrieved her comb, started working through the tangles in it.

His fingers itched to touch her, stroke the curves of her body and let her softness balance the hardness of both his body and his personality. It had been chance that they'd met, but if they could find common ground she was likely to be the best thing that had ever come into his life.

"Can I help?" He moved to stand behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders. "I haven't had much experience with long hair, but I think I can manage."

Chikako's hands froze, except for a slight tremor, her body was stiff in front of him. Tobirama suspected it was nerves and not fear though. He coaxed the comb from her stiff fingers and nuzzled her ear. "You're safe with me."

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