13 | They Killed Her

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Arabella's POV:

I slightly remember last night. Dancing together while the slow songs played in the back.

Him carrying me into the house while taking my heels off.

I was at the state where I was awake, but I couldn't really do anything.

I turn over to see Mateo still sleep, his breath fanned my face. I look down at my appearance and to my surprise I'm wearing Mateo's white suit shirt with only underwear.

I feel against my chest, trying to see if he'd left my bra on but it wasn't there.

"I closed my eyes, it was quite tempting but I refrained." Mateo voice stopped my arms from searching and looking at him.

His comments lately have made me more flustered than ever. The same warmth between my thighs seemed to come a lot more often.

I discard the blanket off my body, standing straight while Mateo stays sleeping. I walk around the bed trying to get to the bathroom until I'm pulled back.

I fall onto the bed, right on top of Mateo's legs. Or at least his third leg. I gasp at the feeling right against my ass, trying to get away.

"What's wrong." He smirked. Of course he knew what he was doing.

"I'm gonna pee." I squeal, as he let go of my arms letting me run into the bathroom to use it. My stupid bladder always getting in the way of everything.

His phone rang and he answered, talking for a minute. Then I heard the door of our bedroom shut.

He left...


One week later.

Arabella's POV:

I sit on the couch in the empty house. Mateo's hasn't been home probably in a whole week. He's been distance. He's been blunt.

Anything but how he used to be.

He would only come to eat dinner and was gone before I could even wake up in the morning. 

I thought it was just something happened at work, and he just needs time to himself. But he shouldn't be taking it out on me.

So when he'd get home tonight I would confront him for the ways he's acted towards me.

The movie I'm watching is one of my favourites. It's the Divergent series. And to be completely honest I only watched the movies for Theo James. I eat some chocolate I had laying around the house while watching the scene where Four and Tris are running from home.

I could feel myself wanting to just shut my eyes, and relax. But if I fell asleep then, Mateo would spend yet another day being an asshole to me. There were no lights on, expect the ones slightly piercing from the tv.

Just before my eyes give in, the sound of the main door opening made me shoot up from my sleeping position.

His steps were careful as he walked through the mansion without making a sound with his feet.

He puts his wallet, phone on the table in the front, then coming over to the kitchen to eat his dinner.

"What's wrong with you?" His body flinches as he turns around looking at me with a glare. It quickly softens, but remains blunt.

"You should be sleeping."

"And you shouldn't be sneaking in and out of the house like a teenage boy." From what I can see in the dark, he rolls his eyes and walks away.

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