14 | Fuck It

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Mateo's POV:

"Arabella we're not watching the same movie for the hundredth time." I've seen her watch Divergent more than 10 times since the beginning of our relationship.

I bet she only watches it for that guy who's named after a number.

"Please!" I fucking hate it when she whines, because I know I'm gonna give into her tricks.

"How about we watch a movie of my choice." She groans and throws her head back.

Watch it, might give you another reason to throw your head back.

It's been a whole day since the shower scene, and I've been hornier than ever. Anything she does makes me want to fuck her.

Whether she's just cooking. She could be taking the trash out and I'd still want to fuck her.

"Fine." She rolls her eyes getting comfortable into the bed. I don't know if she intentionally does this, but she's slept in my room ever since the day in the shower. But I'm not complaining. 

In between us, are all the house snacks. She also forced me to come snack shopping with her. And she picked everything she saw.

She doesn't even like the off brand chocolate croissant, yet she still bought it saying 'maybe my tastebuds will change.'

And then when I told her she was spending too much to replied with 'but you're rich, so it doesn't matter.' Then walked away from me picking more candies up.

"I heard about this one movie. Really family friendly, it's a cute one actually."

"Aw, Mateo likes cute movies." She squeezes my cheeks making me scrunch my face.

"It's called 'Fifty Shades of Grey'." The look on her face made me think maybe she knew the movie, but then she replied.

"Ok!" She squealed opening a chocolate bar and putting it in her mouth.

I'm about to put something else in your mouth.


My head lays back, as we both watch Anastasia Steele fix her bangs and help her best friend Kate with her interview. She kept looking over at me to make sure this was the right movie, until they had sex. Arabella's eyes gouged out, watches them fuck.

"This does not look like a kid movie."

"Really..." I said sarcastically.

Her eyes never leave the screen as her arm reaches over shoving popcorn in my mouth.

"Sorry, I though that was my mouth."

"How?" How is that even possible. I don't bother repeating my reply, knowing she'll have yet another stupid response.

Not once does she take her eyes off the screen. She stays interested through the whole thing, eating a lot of snacks.

When she was buying them, I didn't think she'd eat even a quarter of it, but she did.

"Arabella, you're gonna have a sugar rush. Stop eating so much candy." I try taking the sour patch kids from her hands but she quickly slaps mine away.

"It's getting good." She squeals shoving more candy into her mouth.

Christian shows up to Anastasia apartment after she refused him.

Now he's fucking her...

Her eyes search the screen making me reach over covering her eyes.

"Stop looking at Christian."

"Stop looking at Ana." She blocks my vision making both of us laugh.

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