A needlessly long car drive and ice cream

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Fnaduppet I dedicate to thee: Fluff

Thank you so much for parts of the prompt, MacaroonMilkshake !!

I hope everyone enjoys this little fluffy oneshot :3


"Stein Schere Papier...scheiße!"

"Hah! Hand them over-"

"Best out of 3!"

"Fine, only for you. камень ножницы Бумага раз два три(1)-"

"Yes!!" Germany exclaimed and grinned, preparing his fist for the last round, determined to win. Russia smiled, narrowing his eyes teasingly, raising his hand as well as he chanted the words slowly.

"Камень, ножницы, бумага... раз два три!"


Russia cackled and snatched the keys right out of his hand, running over to the driver's side of the car before Germany could catch him. The car started with a loud vrroom and he wound down the window on the passenger's side, smirking evilly while staring back at his frustrated boyfriend.

"Get in, сука-"

Germany glared at him one more time through the window and pulled open the passenger door, sliding in easily. "If you get a single scratch on my car I am not paying for your vodka for the rest of the month-" He threatened, wearing his seatbelt tightly. "Is this the way you talk to your boyfriend who's driving us out for ice cream~?" Russia said back easily, slinging his arm around the back of his seat to turn around and watch the road as he reversed. Undeniably hot, he thought while grinning as he watched Germany's face flush.

"And plus, you always get your cars scratched up on the Autobahn anyways-"

"But not when they're new, I just got this one two weeks ago!" Germany whined and crossed his arms, pouting lightly as Russia laughed. "You're so cute, but they're not toys, okay?" He teased back, knowing that he hit a soft spot when Germany gaped at him offendedly, golden eyes glinting.

"I know you, at this point you've already gone through most of every collection of Mercedes cars and several others-" Russia broke off laughing again as Germany punched him in the shoulder lightly when they stopped at a traffic light, trying to retaliate while keeping watch over the light. When he started driving again, Germany quieted down and turned to look outside at the scenery zooming pass them.

He smiled softly each time he glanced over and faintly saw Germany's reflection in the glass, golden eyes sparkling from the sun and joy. They flickered quickly over his territory outside, lush green trees everywhere. It must feel good to be home again, to be connected to the land he controlled over. 

"What's the temperature, Ger?" Russia asked nonchalantly, adjusting the air conditioning fan more towards him. Germany pulled away from the window for a second and stared off into the distance, biting on the tip of his tongue as he concentrated. "22 degrees Celsius." 

"Not much difference compared to Moscow-" He hummed softly and glanced through narrowed eyes at the blazing hot sun. Summer time was usually when he felt most uncomfortable already, but this year's summer really was horrible. Nearly every countryhuman was complaining, their human populations not doing any better. 

"What do you think about taking a vacation in Greenland's territory?" He smiled playfully as Germany laughed beside him. "To try and escape the heat? Maybee...if we can get away from work for long enough-" 

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