Be Gay Do Drugs

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They are bad for you. No no. Big no.

Don't do it even if you're gay. No.

Anyways Hello!! 'S Been a while I feel! Exams are coming~

>:3 Means less chapters~

I hope everyone doing well in our current situation. I'm okay here, Malaysia's schools are closed till the end of month so I've got TONS of time to kill. Gonna try to study instead of procrastinate and just go on youtube for days lmao-

Remember everyone : Hand Sanitizers and washing of the hands Frequently. For 20 seconds. Long enough to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice. Better Safe than Sorry, as my teachers say-

More accurately they said: "想快一点死是吗还不要快点给我去洗手妈的-"

(This oneshot is a continuation/sequel/next chapter/whatever of 'Bed Head'. Check that one out if you haven't!! :3)

Okay Please enjoy reading :)


"Germany!! Come here sweetie!!" 

Germany's left ear twitched at his owner's high pitched voice, but he remained curled up in his bed. He pressed his tail closer to his face and scrunched his eyes closed. He wanted to sleep.


"Nooo..." He meowed lowly, even though she couldn't understand him. His ears flicked backwards, blocking out her calls to him. It wasn't dinner time yet, so that meant she was calling to play. He was not in the mood.

He pressed his pink nose into the black, red and gold tips of fur at his tail. He still smells like lavender and chamomile, from the shampoo that she had used to bathe him with yesterday. He had not forgiven her yet for that. 

"Look, Russia's here already. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Her voice called again, and this time, at the mention of his 'best friend's' name, he perked up, unfolding his limbs and shaking out his short fur, clambering out of his bed and padding to the dining area.

The house was quiet, usually loud with the sound of the other animals. Today must be one of the days that she especially targets them to 'play' with, and makes them do weird stuff in front of a black box thing with a big round eye. It never blinked, ever, and had a eye lid that could be taken on and off by Earth when she awakes it.

Typically, She focuses the most on Japan, the Korea Twins, China and America the most, because they 'get the best views'. Not that it made much sense to him, but it meant that They had to do most of the weird stuff most, out of all the other pets in this household.

Germany poked his head in through the door frame, and his master was kneeled down on the floor, scratching Russia behind his ears. The black box thing was set up again, on top on the weird stick thing with three black branches balancing it on the ground. It was a strange plant, with no leaves. It tasted bad, like metal.

"There you are! We were going to start without you!" Earth said, reaching out a beckoning hand. Germany meowed, and tilted his head to her, letting her rub against his ears. Russia purred at him, with a relaxed smile on his face. 

"Took you long enough~" He rumbled. Germany felt heat rush up his face, his fur puffing slightly and he hissed playfully at him.

"Aw, are you okay, Germany?" She asked, smoothing down the black fur on his back. Germany arched his backbone, spinning around to nip her hand playfully. Earth laughed, and brought out a small bag filled with green bits inside it. 

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