Birthday Wishes

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Happy Birthday to this oneshot book, which is officially three years old now :D

Here some fluff because the angst isn't finished yet. We got lucky guys no angst yet-

More kid fluffiness of the boys to celebrate! 

Thank you all for supporting this book, it's been an honour to write for this fandom(Stole all my braincells tho) and I love all of you, from the oldest reader to the newest, you are all amazing people and I don't think I would've gotten to this point without you guys!

I'm grateful for every comment and vote you guys leave, even though I don't reply back as much as I used to do, I still read them and they give me the strength to keep going. I just hope that I write something that'll return the favour to you❤️

Here's to the future, I honestly don't know when I'll stop writing this, so I hope you enjoying reading!!


(In bold, bright blue crayon, visibly written by a child who's very excited, has messy and crooked handwriting, and a limited English vocabulary)


Hallo! How are you? It's going to be my birthday on 14th Juni, and we have a big party here, with lots of cake and toys to play with!! Papa says I can invite all my friends, I'm turning 6 years old. I wished that you can come. And your siblings too, I guess. I even drew a sad face underneath, and a tiny dog. Me and Papa found her in the garden last week, but now she's living with a happy family. I wished that we could keep her.

My party will have a lot of foods, and balloons. Do you like cake? I do want you to have some, maybe the Postmann could take it with him when he sends you this letter. But I have to send this letter first, I don't know what cake we will have too. I wished you could come to my party :(

You live very far away, all my other friends live in Berlin. But you are still my friend, even if I only seen you twice. Can you come visit again? We can climb the tree again, I promise not to chase you. Or scare you, you can play with my toys. Maybe this time, I can i̶n̶r̶o̶  ̶i̶n̶t̶r̶o̶o̶e̶  ̶i̶n̶t̶r̶o̶u̶c̶   show you my bestest friend, Kurt and Peter. Karl was my other best friend, but he was mean to me yesterday, and didn't say sorry. But I still have to invite him to my party, because he'll cry if not. 

(Turn around to behind!! → )

I ran out of room to write on in front.

My other friends aren't countryhumans like you or me, but they're still very nice. I go to school with them, and they're not scary too. So when you come visit, you don't have to be scared! We can all play together, and have fun :D

I just want to tell you about my birthday party, and it's okay if you cannot come. You are still my friend. I still wished you can visit soon, however. 

reegards, Hans 


He giggled happily and folded the piece of paper, grabbing the white envelope he'd 'borrowed' from his father's office. Getting his paper to fit in it took some more maneuvering, but eventually he had his first ever letter in his hand, completely written by himself with no help from anyone else.

Hans smeared glue all over the seal of the envelope, he wasn't sure how much exactly to put but he did know that he didn't want anyone else to open his letter and read it. It was for RSFSR and RSFSR alone. Hopefully he had a letter opener sharp enough to open it. 

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