My R

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Angst Week No. 2!

Most of you will probably already know this story, and how it goes ;)

So here's my version of this song/story-

It's set in a high school AU(cliche I know) so just keep that in mind-

This is largely inspired by another 'My R' fanfic, by Demi_Red95 on Archive of our own, from the Sanders Sides fandom(fellow T.S fans, anyone here?)

And there's a countryhuman animatic on YT with Ame as the star that I watched couple of times cuz Its good UwU


(warning: suicide attempts and thoughts)

(Read in your own comfort zone please thank you :))


Russia took a deep breath, and stopped at the last step. The stairway was always musky, and there was a patch of moss on the wall he had watch grow from a small penny sized speckle to the huge green expanse it was now.

He pushed opened the door, getting a long, loud creak from the rusty hinges. It didn't matter, no one would hear it. It was an abandoned building, which was why he came almost every other day.

Dropping his backpack near the door, he began to untie his boots. They were heavy combat boots, which would only make him hit the ground feet first. He didn't want that to happen.

"...pasensya na, mama..."

He snapped his head up, his heart pounding with fright. Who was that, he heard that voice!

It was only then he noticed another figure sitting on the wall, a red bandanna clutched in his hand, fluttering in the wind.

Russia forgot his boots, standing up quickly, keeping his eyes on the stranger. 

"Hey, don't do it, please!" 

The figure turned around, eyes wide with surprise and tear-filled. Russia speed walked over to the edge of the rooftop, stopping a few feet away from the person. He was shocked when he took in the familiar hoodie, red skin and heterochromatic gold and brown eyes.


Philippines shook his head, staring right back at him. He clutched his bandanna harder, as a tear slipped down his face.

"What are you doing here?" Russia demanded, sounding almost angry. In fact he was worried, and shocked. At himself. Why did he shout that out? Today was going to be his day, and now it was gone.

Phil was always smiling, attentive in lessons, and so playful with Malaysia and Indonesia. He was happy with China, it was obvious. So why was he here? On the roof?

"Come on. Take my hand." He said again, holding out his hand toward him. Philippines reacted almost immediately in fear to his seemingly harsh tone, using his free hand to take the bigger, calloused outstretched palm. 

Russia pulled him back as quickly as he dared, keeping his eyes on him. Once his legs crossed the wall, they collapsed down to the ground. Phil sobbed and trembled violently, beginning to cry into his shirt. 

He froze, but put his arm around his...friend's...back, doing his best to comfort him. He didn't know what to do other than be there, he wasn't good with words.

A few more minutes later, Phil began to calm down, wiping his cheeks on his sleeve. His eyes were red, but he would almost see a tiny spark of the old Phil in there. Russia fished out a tissue in his pocket, and handed it to him slowly.

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