tagged again (plus IncQ)

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Hewo again >3

Ich gotten tagged by New_Zealand_CH

Here we go-

(I couldn't copy paste the picture-)

(BTW IncQ is Incorrect Quotes UwU)

Do I have a crush?

-NOpe >:3 I is single pringle for now

Middle name?

I don't have one. In Asia we don't do middle names. But I have an English name AND a chinese/mandarin name UwU Both are considered first names.


166 cm. Or 5.4 feet for the western friendos OwO

Shoe size?

7.5 to 8. In Asia. Don't ask me for other countries because I have no idea-

Eye colour?

Black. Dull black black. I wish it was more colourful

Least time you cried?

I read the epilogue of 'Stitches' by Grace_ShadowWolf two weeks ago. Go check it out(Read the book first if you haven't it's amazing) And you will get what I mean. (Still not over the fact that the book is finished ;-;) (And it's so saddddd *Starts crying again*)

Biggest fear?

Being left behind (In friendships etc.) Losing what is dear to me 

Oh and cockroaches are a thing but that's not the point-

Last song you listened to?

Ex-wives by Six the Musical. It's amazing-

Last person you texted?

My squad via group chat <3

Favourite app?

Wattpad! :D

Tag 20 Accounts

Okie Imma try. I'm sorry if I didn't get you I wish i could put everyone cuz mmm y'all need to join in the fun- >:D

ehhh this is nerve-racking- how can I choooseee





















ALrighty 20 peeps GASP I'm so sorry if I didn't get your name ahhhh this is why I don't like tagging games I have too many friends to tag and I don't have enough quotaaaaa

Ya know what If you are reading this please feel free to join in.

People that I DID tag: Don't worry if you can't make it it's okay. Ya don't have to do it's not compusolary :DDD But if you can, Have Fun!!!

Ok now to make your time worth it other than wasting it on me ranting about myself, have a few incorrect quotes UwU


Russia: Truth or dare?

Germany: Truth?

Russia: How may hours have you slept this week?

Germany: ...Dare

Russia: Go to sleep-

Germany: I don't like this game


Germany: God give me patience.

Russia: Don't you mean give me strength?

Germany: If the God gave me strength, everyone would be dead.


Germany: You're smiling, did something good happen?

Russia: Can't I smile because I feel like it?

Ukraine: ...America tripped and fell in the parking lot.


Germany: I think you're still suffering from the effects of partying last night.

Russia: All I drank was beer! No vodka!!

Germany: How many?

Russia: Twenty-two...


Thank you if you have read all the way to here and enjoyed it :)))

Okay have a nice day/night everyone byee-

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