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Then Jorgen gave Fox a very annoyed to look.

Fox: how am I supposed to know Swiper no swiping is what you say to get him to back off.

Ovalsan:It still funny but I don't know if he still scarred from that incidents.

Jorgen: Rre those are the kind of things that Ovalsan a.k.a Ovaleyes had done and that what we are doing this.

Fox:It clear that he brake a few rules but some of them just get in the way.

J:Da rules are not word on paper Da rules are law.

F: Well your rules have been thrown out the window when you let Timmy get a dog.

J:Well things living fine is summoned into Timmy and ruin the natural order.

O: I only help them because of a good intentions for him unlike those that neglect him resulting in his stupidity.

J: An  awhere of the Cosmo and Wanda drug Theory but that's a load of baloney!

F:I know he was their but are they true ending or.....what if?

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