the Nintenguard recruitment explain panel

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Mario: now you are still wondering how we pick those to join the ranks of the Nintenguard for years and it now the time to tell you how because a Nintenguard hero is a hero of it word.

The recruiting phase

Mario: now they're out there that seem to think it's the old fish bowl sing but that's not always the case presently that is some we have to pull out for propaganda poster for smash now for those that's been given an invite in the web and TV promos but those that have the Nintenguard insignia that can only be seen under a certain light and that's all I can say at this point that's what those are more effective will require more delicate negotiation and we all know how long those take.

Mandatory orientation

Mario: orientation is mandatory no skippys okay to update them once a year.

Basic training

Mario: now routine training goes from morning to noon on a weekly basis but Opus Adele's that needs some time to kill.

Toadcom alert system

Mario: Now the Toadcom system may sound like a parody of the descom system but it goes up on a threat level of a situation.

Toadcom one and two situations are on simple on minor disturbances to security details which most operatives are assigned to.

Toadcom three is on E Class situations both first and third party.

Toadcom four are for everything T class first and third as well as Bowser attack or RPG anything above that for instance M Class classified.


???:How far does your Scouts go in putting names in the ball?

Mario:Our Mii Scout have used more pipes that will lead to registered game dimensions the scouting made takes long time but they do find good findings.

???:That funny my sources said multiple what pipes are across the Multiverse some. Been labeled by other groups like all the one you are shallow running the Nintendom.

Mario: that's absurd who asked that?

???:Papin Bager of the top hat press where we are always on top of the news.

Mario: cute and there's no such thing as Cognito Inc ok any other question?

Ovalsan: try telling that to the back of our heads.

Mario:That not funny Ovalsan.

Ovalsan:We do have One More by yours truly are you concerned about the rise of new platform Fighters like a Nickelodeon All-Star brawl?

Mario:No comment thank you all for coming and Ovalsan backstage now.

Moment later backstage "That was humiliating," says Mario to Ovalsan " why did you let a clickbait reporter make a fool out of me?" Then the reporter came in and says "Why would I be clickbait," then pulls out the cognito inc business card that have Mario's name on it "If this is not fake?" Then Maya such a round himself for his card and carefully says " I'm only the pipes maintenance man for the company so the shadow board can help me find all the Triforce that are out there."

" are you sure they can be trusted and not jeopardize the prime directive?" Say Fox as he come out of the shadows with the camera that can record the whole thing and then says "It your world again my.

But Ovalsan pointed out the bottom of a certain pink dress that's behind the curtain and then says to Mario " no it's her word against yours and she have the whole thing recorded and return you give me a box access into Cognito and I won't blab about this because a Nintenguard hero..."

"Is a hero of it word." Say Mario and head back to his home for the night after closing ceremony.

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