Day one frontline spotlight two: Free guy

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Now this movie Wall I was watching during meal break free guy is a very silly movie with all the current pop culture reference of some video games as well here and there where a guy and usual Joe as a bank teller became self-aware that he's found out that he's an NPC of an open world game called three City and idiotic GTA life game and decides to become a hero of his own story View program is thought a hacker hacking NBC but turns out that he's the co that's from a stolen Source by a real creep of a CEO that plans on the sequel Priestly to and once the truth got out he made he may keep the IP but let the real source code for you keep it and we'll end up like cyberpunk 2077.

The movies is really a commentary on game companies always making cash grabs sequels I'm current IP with Will adding I sometimes do tutorials on new entries see if there's anything new added like another all fighting games I gets hard and in most sense too much trouble to make new IPS like for instance new characters to take the place of the old ones when they retire like Mario having are well he's on the throne running things with Queen Peach if you know what I mean?

The movie is okay but once I see the free Guy posters that parody other video games like Super Mario 64 I thought they could come at the Blu-ray has many posters.

In the end is just a fun turn off your brain movie.

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