the Oval case files intro

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The next day the meet-and-greet attendings gathered into what seems to be a state Auditorium and once everyone got seeded the lights went down and the curtain rise with a spotlights on no other than Ovalsan in the center.

"Good morning everyone," Say Ovalsan as he begins to pace "in my travels outside the Nintendom I have been doing some case working for the Tellanrain and the Comic Government with the usual cases that goes from unfinished business to Intel Gathering and I have a lot over the years but too many to cover for today."

Then the mother came on behind him with clips of Paul his cases and the way he soft but backstage Maya is looking at Ovalsan like a he making a hole on stage.

"Are you sure we're ok with Ovalsan doing this Fox." Say Mario to Fox then Fox says "the Logs during the Captain N campaign Ovalsan made have alot on his Sheldon and Ben look down on a lot and no one is listening to him."

Then Bowzer and DK have one of the role on set pieces ready when they meet up with Mario and Fox then DK says to Mario "Well those like you even if he dose to see those like you would only get in the way like those I know." Then Bowser and Fox look at Mario like he part of the problem then Mario "Ovalsan memes of doing things go from Hangouts over and Edge Kelly Smits to Violent assault and that's just without gunpoint."

Then Bowser says " well if you have not oppressed him he wouldn't have his feelings come out in negative way like like oh grabbing someone and slamming them into the wall."

Then Foxs says to Mario when Ovalsan intro is on most over "And your invite only panel during intermission will sell like you want everyone of authority to see him as a monster."

"It the only way to prevent him from going out of control." Replied Mario when Ovalsan says "Welcome to the Oval case files. " turn the stage lights went down Saudi K and Bowser can sub the stage the Samus came up next to Mario and says to him "Hope you can handle the Madness what he about to unleash on you."

And with the stage all set up they can begin.

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