Frontline file day one:Outro

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Location:General Mario Office

Mario:First day of your fount line steam is done and tomorrow will be another steam tell Sunday and that be it and well using the theater to have Thanksgiving at was nice but everything are now on demand so we don't need the book all the Inns in the Kingdom and would have been avoided if someone then doesn't veto it's demolition.

Jonna Inkbell: Hey no one what to see another statue of you and you should stay where you belong if you know what's good for you and your supporters I may add.

Ovalsan: yeah don't want your little side job for questionable people to get out and blow their cover.

Mario:Rrr anyway the last inch of the day you made on free guy on how nexgen does and doesn't work and well some that I know could of make it a family out of it or in some cases have a kill switch in case it gets out of hand like most games.

Ovalsan: yeah it's mostly copy and paste nowadays it's not like they can have someone take up your place when you are more desk-bound.

Mario: and how would you think I would end up like that? Starting Peach after the first rescue salt living together after the second propose after the third married and expecting after Super Mario World then Yoshi looks after the kid ball does a situation going on with Geno helping me and Peach. I would have Luigi look after him/her when Bowser took over Peach's castle and write a pixel book about me to spy the kid to take up the hats when they say and then with old enough you can come along to Isle Delfino and if it chooses to be my Apprentice I will show him the world and you got the idea by now.

Jonna Inkbell: but we know things can skip a generation.

Mario: because no one expect me or we to have an air on like someone who has an identity crisis at the time when she got a big blow to the Head.

Jonna Inkbell:Well me and Sam did some crazy adventures back then and despite the counseling we got during a little campaign with someone her and I  are still at odds but that another story.

Ovalsan:Come to think of it I am writing some letters to her just to know what things are like since we parted ways.

Jonna Inkbell: like shooting Cindy Vortex out of an airlock.

Ovalsan: hey I need my tub fill into space and putting the brains of the whole town in a virtual arrogance is wrong as it can get because I did find a new place to call home Fay belly can set up a new order and most of them just wants to play bumper jar and Jimmy Neutron is trying to make them no feather but now it's May have to resort to extreme means which almost no one does the days.

Mario: because no one wants to do it because no one's is crazy enough to pull a fast one on someone when I see a problem from the start.

Jonna Inkbell:Seem like it tell it to late.

Ovalsan: So it seem.

Mario:You are all dismissed for the day.

Location:Ovalsan Nintenguard quarters

Ovalsan:Ovalsan Log current looking at my Hinobi case board on the Sinners Boulevard series section beat the first one in the more I think about it the more I think all four of them and their t-class counterpart antisocial are connected but the GTA games are normally not connected. From what I can put together Hinobi seem to know that parents will not like it for the controversy that it will bring upon release so they made a gray matter game so there be parental debates on rather or not they will let the kids play it and those that did will be acquainted with the main characters of those games when the appeal next-gen entry or so it seemed at the time but why didn't they came out?

Well if you're next on the next-gen and tree it's like a V for Vendetta Suicide Squad mix with a purge subplots with one simple goal glow Washington d.c. Sky High and that will not sit well with the politicians in more ways than one. Nothing emissions have more sensitive contents to actual places as far as I can tell for now but that be able to Siri if they let that is but we know finals a loose term in business and I'll go anyways they see fit.

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