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The next Monday morning when Hadiyeh turns up to the warehouse where they film all of their videos she sees that everyone was already here besides Tobi, she had run out of milk and had to drop her sister off at the airport.

"Sorry," She apologises to the cameramen and the people behind the camera who were waiting on her arrival.

"Hadiyeh!" Filly cheers upon seeing her.

"Yung Filly!" She laughs giving him a fistbump and then turns to Chunkz who was staring at her expectantly.

"No, it's okay, now we know that you like Filly more than me," He turns away from Hadiyeh with a playful pout.

"Amin, don't do that," She pouts, "I got you the tasbeeh that I had broken,"

Hadiyeh pulls out a glass tasbeeh with green string and holds it out for him to take.

"Nice," He grins, not pouting anymore.

"That looks lit," Filly adds taking the tasbeeh out of Chunkz's hand

As they continue their conversation waiting for Tobi's arrival and some of the girls who were meant to show up. Out of the corner of her eye, Hadiyeh sees JJ staring at her and then staring at the floor. He looked upset.

"Excuse me, guys, I need to get something," Hadiyeh excuses herself out of the conversation and walks towards one of the rooms where everyone had put their bags, coats and stuff, on the way there she walks past JJ and takes his hand, dragging him with her into the spare room.

"Jealous?" She raises her eyebrow at him, going over to put her bag in the corner along with the rest of the stuff as he moves to sit on the couch.



"Allow me, if it was any other man he would be jealous too,"

"But you arent any other man," she turns to him, "you are my man, you're literally wearing our marriage band,"

"Yeah, I am, where is yours?" He snaps at her glaring at her fingers that are covered in rings but her engagement band not being on any finger. For the sake of the fans, JJ wore his ring on his middle finger and not his actual ring finger.

"Here," she pulls out a silver chain that her ring was hanging onto, "the ring isn't the important thing, it's the fact that whenever you're angry or upset, or, I don't know, jealous, you shut down, you're meant to talk to me,"

"What do you mean? talk to you?" He repeats her words sarcastically.

"JJ we're married for goodness sake! All I ask for is for you to fucking talk to me!" She throws her arms out, "If you don't feel okay with me ad Chunkz talking all you had to do is come up to me and tell me,"

"I don't go around crying about my problems to everyone!" He yells their conversation becoming heated quickly.

"JJ, am I, everyone, to you?! God, I feel sorry for you if that's how you think!" If he can raise his voice then so can she.

"My parents raised me better than to be -"

"You were fucking raised wrong! I can't read your mind JJ I need for you to talk to me, don't expect me to change the way I am if you're not willing to talk to me about these problems!"

"You think I don't fucking know that already?!" He yells both of them now standing, JJ standing tall his figure overbearing hers, "my dad cheated on my mum and boasted about it to me when I was 15?! You think that's how I wanted to be raised?!"

A teardrop falls from his eyes.

"Never will I do my children the same way my parents did," he covers his face with his hands falling to the couch.

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