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After Deji's abrupt leave. Everything had been chaotic. Hadiyeh and JJs relationship was getting stronger before now she saw him as her best friend but only recently has she taken a true liking to him. So as their relationship was building, other things were beginning to crumble.

A few days after Saeedeh had landed in Dubai, she had called Hadiyeh and had told ber that the doctors had discovered a cancer tumour in their brother's neck. And her parents had told Hadiyeh to come to Dubai immediately.

On the other hand, after JJ had kicked Deji out his relationship with his parents had started to deteriorate, they had been arguing back and forth about the values of family, and JJ needed Hadiyeh to be by his side.

And Hadiyeh had begun to feel the pressure pushing in at her from every angle. She needed to be there for JJ but also needed to be beside her family.

"What's wrong?" Hadiyeh asked seeing JJ lying on his bed face down with the duvet covering him besides his hair.

She moved to sit on the bed next to JJ careful not to touch him.

JJ moved his head to peer up at her, forgetting that his eyes were bloodshot red. Hadiyeh gulped at the sight, JJ had been crying. Without a second thought, she lay down next to him and held his head on her shoulder as he continued to sob in her grasp.

After JJ had calmed down Hadiyeh handed him some tissues from the bedside table.

"I want to take you somewhere," she announced, quietly taking his hand in hers as she gently caressed his hand, drawing an invisible pattern on his forehand.

"Where?" He grunts.

"It's not far, I promise," she smiles at him hopefully with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," he smiles down at her.

Hadiyeh beams and intertwines her fingers with his dragging him out of his room and downstairs, picking up their jackets on the way.

"Are you going to make me run?"

"No silly, we're going onto the roof," she chuckled tugging him along.

They sat on the rooftop. JJ rarely came up here, he didn't like it. It's always goddamn cold.

"Why did you bring me here?" He mutters with an attitude. He hated it up here. It was windy and cold.

"Look, you can see the sunset from here. I find it peaceful. I thought it might help you find peace. Viddal and I often train up here, I find it calming," she looks down, she wanted to get him out of his mood, not make things worse.

A smile finds its way into his face. She was such a tough yet fragile being, it fascinated him.

"You know it's funny," he shook his head looking at the sunset.


"You. You are such a complicated person. You don't get hurt by the brutal comments on social media but you get upset over me not liking the rooftop,"

"Because I care about your opinion and not theirs," she tells him a soft smile on her face, it was so adorable to her that he paid attention to the little details.

"So are we going to stare at the sun going down all night?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you to come to Dubai with me to visit my family," she confesses, she had wanted to take JJ back home so she can introduce him to her family.

"Sure," He shrugs as though it was nothing, "always wanted to visit Dubai anyway,"

"Are you serious?" She looks at him bewildered, was he for real?

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