Chapter 9

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Nash's POV

I was on my way to pick up Valentine from a photo shoot with music blasting out of my car, once I got near the studio I decided it would be better to turn it down to maintain my proffesional look in front of the photographers. lol. I'm kidding. I didn't think of that, Valentine told me I shoud, and I guess she was kind of right. I had arrived early, so I headed inside the studio so I could get a little peak. I walked in, and stopped in my tracks. Valentine was wearing nothing more than a lace boyshort as she wrapped her arms around the male model. As the photographer snapped pictures, you could see from where I was standing that the two were talking, laughing all in a hushed sexy tone. Was I jealous that this guy was seeing my girlfriend's boobs before me? Little bit, yeah. Was I pissed they were flirting? Like hell.

"Oh, hey Nash. We're almost done. Ten more minutes, okay?" She said, as if her being topless, pressed against Mr. AbsAndBiceps and flirting with him was nothing.

I didn't know what to answer. I just stood there, feeling my anger rise to my face.

"Okay, I think we got everything we need. That's a wra-" The photographer said

"Actually, Nick and I had another pose we'd like to try. Would you mind?" Valentine asked. The photographer nodded and the male model, Nick, sat down on the bed. Valentine followed soon after, stradeling him then tilting her head back to look at the camera. And then I snapped.

"Hell no. What the fuck is this?! Get off him now, Valentine" I demanded

"Nash! What the hell?" She exclaimed, and turned to the photographer. "Can you give me five minutes? Thanks" Valentine stepped off Nick and grabbed a robe wrapping it around herself before coming over to me and dragging me off the set. "What the hell was that, Nash?!"

"What the hell you, Valentine! You were just lying topless against some random dude! And then you went out of your way to straddle him too!"

"Nash, it's a photoshoot. And he's not some random guy, he's Nick Bateman! He's a legend in the modeling industry and I was lucky enough to get called into this shoot which is way out my league and you just destroyed any proffesional image I had!"

"Well I'm sorry if I find it a tad bit annoying that Nick Bateman gets to see my girlfriend naked before me" I huffed

"That's what this is about? Damnit Nash" She muttered, and untied the robe letting it drop to her elbows. "Happy now?"

"No- Yea- I mean- Uh..."

"Good. Go wait outside" She rolled her eyes at me and turned away walking back to the set, letting the robe drop completely to the floor and went back to straddeling Nick Bateman. I groaned, and waited impatiently outside.

"You should call me sometime" I heard Nick say to Valentine, handing her a piece of paper with his number on it.

"I have a boyfriend, Nick" She responded. HA! Take that Nick Bateman! She's dating me!

"Fine, call me when you want to move into the big boy league" He smiled, and walked away.

Valentine stood there for a moment, and I could see she was blushing. I cursed under my breath. She walked over and got in the car without a word.

"Valentine, babe, I'm so sorry, I snapped and I was way out of line" I pleaded "I should've kept my mouth shut. And this is your career and who am I to tell you what you can or can't do"

"It's fine, Nash. The photographer remembered you and thought what you did was cute. And I did too" She said, lacing her fingers across my upper arm. "You're really hot when you're jealous, you know" Valentine whispered in my ear in that soft, seductive voice of hers.

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