Chapter 10

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Jack's POV

I was chilling in my room, catching up on my Netflix cue, when I got a call from Alex, answering, I spoke "Hey baby girl" I said, repositioning myself on the bed.

"So, you are going to stand him up at the dinner tomorrow, right?" Alex's voice said, I was about to hang up but then I realized that she was talking to Valentine... About her three month anniversary with Nash... I quietly continued to listen.

"Yeah... Payback for standing me up at prom.... He deserves it, I guess..." Valentine's voice said

"Good! Serves that bastard right" Alex said, and then the line went dead. She must've ran out of battery

Valentine's POV

"Alex... Actually.... I don't think I'm gonna do it. I can't... I love him"

"Valentine!" Alex exclaimed

"But he's so... His smile.... And his hugs... And... I just can't do that to him! It's been eleven years, I have to move on"

"Fine, I just want you to be happy, but I ain't gonna ever like him"

The next day...

Nash's POV

"Nash!!" Jack exclaimed

"What, dude?" I asked

"You should sit down for this" He said, and I confused, did so. "Remember that chick you used to date in school? Brunette, cheerleader, you ditched her at prom?"

"Yeah..." He handed me a copy of my yearbook, opened to one of the pages. He pointed to the picture of a girl straight in the middle of the page, under her picture the name read VALENTINE WEST. Crap. "That's how I know her.. Crap Im such a dick!"

"Dude, don't feel bad for that hoe. She's planning on standing you up tonight. Payback"

"She's known who I am since the first day... She's been planning on doing this since the start... That... That bitch!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the table.

"Just don't go, don't give her the satisfaction. Let's go get drunk at the beach, like old times! Show that whore she was just another bitch at the pound" Jack said, and we all headed down to the beach.

Valentine's POV

I bit my lip as I waited for Nash. Every time the door of the restaurant opened I smiled, just to frown again in frustration. Fifteen minutes went by, then thirty, then an hour. I felt so embarrassed, but maybe something important came up. Maybe... Someone got run over! I unlocked my phone, which was already opened into snapchat, and I see Carter posted something. I pressed his MyStory and felt my heart sink into the floor. The magcon boys were all drunk at the beach, and Nash had stood me up. Again.

I got up storming out of the restaurant as tears streamed down my cheeks. I just sat in the car for a while, balling my eyes out. Finally, I drove home and ran straight to my room. Alex, at first seemed confused by my state, but without a word she understood what happened. She comforted me a while until I inevitably passed out.

The next day...

Alex drove me over to the Magcon House but not without stopping at the hardware store to buy crowbar and red graffiti paint. It was around 8am, and the boys were surely still sleeping their huge hangovers away, and I gladly smashed the crowbar into the front glass, setting of the alarm of their black van. I continued to slash and thrash the car, the windows, the leather seats, the tires and then the headlights. Then I took out the red graffiti can and sprayed the words
NASH GRIER: JERK 1997-2015

"What the fuck?!" Nash yelled, running out of the house

"Go to hell, Nash!" I called out, and we drove off.

Nash's POV

And then it hit me. She didn't stand me up. And I ditched her, again.

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