Chapter 23

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Valentine's POV

"Let me know how it goes with the client" I said to Nash, closing the door behind him. I wandered aimlessly through the large and empty Magcon House.

"I thought you left" a voice said, as I spun around, surprised.

"Nash had an emergency client meeting and I didn't bring my car" I shrugged

"Want me to take you home?" Carter asked

"Can you take me to the mall? I have to do some... Important shopping"

He grabbed his car keys and his leather jacket, heading towards the garage. "Isn't all shopping important to you? He joked as I followed behind

"N-well yes, but this is even more important. I'm buying the um... Lingerie for the honeymoon... You know, I could use your male opinion"

He chucked, running his hands through his black hair.

"Okay, ready for number one?" I asked from inside the dressing room.

"Yeah" he replied.

I stepped out in a white lace corset that accented my curves and white thigh high semi-transparent stalkings.

Carter didn't speak. He looked at myself head to toe, toe to head and repeat. "Eh"

"Eh? I'm a fucking Victoria's Secret model and I get an eh?" I said, crossing my arms.

"White's not your color. Plus you'll have been wearing white all day, he'll get bored. Try the black one next" he said simply.

I groaned and changed into the black bra with lace detailing, a black thong and black stalkings hooked to the panties by a lace garter. I stepped out, and again Carter was silent.

"Next one"

I grunted and changed into a red lingerie set with black lace. The bustier and panties were red, and over it was a long draping sheer black dress. I stepped out and Carter's jaw dropped to the floor and his... Thing... Popped up. He shut his mouth, clenching his jaw together. "That one" he nodded, trying to control his erection. It wasn't working. He stepped towards me, running his hands down my waist. "Yeah. Definitely the one. I'll wait for you in the car" He said, and headed out of the store. I stood there, jaw dropped and confused.

I payed for the lingerie and headed to the parking lot, I placed the bag in the trunk, turned around and Carter was just centimeters away from me.

"Carter. Don't" I told him

"Why not?"

"I'm getting married"

"He'll never know"

"I can't, Carter" I said, gripping my fingers against the trunk. There was this awful awkward silence and Carter finally stepped away, getting into the driver seat. After a few seconds, I followed. The car ride back to my place was so uncomfortable. What was there to say? Should I say anything? Why did I want him to pull over and kiss me? Ugh.

"Thanks, Carter. I'll uh... Bye" I got out of the car, grabbed my bag and ran inside and into my room, slamming the door behind me.

"Damnit, Valentine! That door is brand new! Try not to break it!" Alex exclaimed, following me in. "What's wrong?"

I told her what had happened, though I was utterly confused. Nothing actually happened. Right?

"You have to tell Nash" She said, finally

"What?! No!" I exclaimed. Of course I couldn't tell Nash. He'd kill me and Carter. He'd break up with me, call off the engagement. No. No way.

"He's gonna find out. He's Nash and you're you"

"What does that mean?" I asked, crossing my arms, unsure if I should be offended or not.

"He knows you better than anyone, and you don't know how to lie" She replied, as if obvious; and with that, left. Leaving me to dwell about my situation for the next two hours, until Nash called.

"Hello?" I said, quickly picking up

"Hey babe, I just got home. Where are you?" He asked me. I bit down on my lip nervously.

"Oh, I came home. Had to run some errands" I said, holding my breath. Crap. I was a terrible liar.

"Oh okay. Is everything alright? You sound... Weird"

I bit down on my jaw. Shit. What do I say? "What? Nope. Everything's fine. Everything is perfectly fine. Even better than fine, everything's great" I stuttered

"Okay then... I'll pick you up tomorrow at 11am okay?"

"What? Why?"

"House hunting... Don't you remember...? Valentine, seriously, is e everything alright?"

"Oh yeah. House hunting. Of course. Yeah, I'm alright. Okay. Bye" I hung up and threw my phone across the room. I lied down on my bed, staring at the Victoria's Secret bag next to me, with the black and red lingerie set. Why did I invite Carter? Why would I do something so stupid?! Nothing happened. Not today. Not in Australia. Not ever.

"How you holding up?" Alex asked me as we both drank our morning coffee.

"Bad. I'm a terrible liar. He's gonna find out. And then he'll break up with me. I don't want him to break up with me, Alex" I groaned, slamming my hand against my forehead.

"Tell him the truth, tell him what happened"

"That's the thing! I don't know what happened!" I exclaimed.

Alex looked at me for long time, before finally speaking. "Tell him the truth. You wanted a male opinion for the lingerie because you want it to be perfect for Nash, so you invited Carter. It was silly, kinda awkward. That's it"

I bit down into my lip, my fingers tightening over the ceramic mug as I thought about what to do, when someone opened the door. I looked up to see who it was.

"Hey" I said, smiling softly as he came over and kissed the top of my head. I hated when he did that, it just... I don't know, kissing my hair just kinda grossed me out. I would never tell him though. He greeted Alex then sat down next to me. "You're not dressed yet" He remarked

"I slept in" I shrugged, standing up to go get dressed.

He grabbed my wrist, sitting me back down. "No rush, drink your coffee"

I smiled slightly, awkwardly finishing my coffee.

After getting dressed, we headed to House #1. A stone mansion with a long gorgeous driveway, high ceilings, gorgeous rooms; but the second I walked in I knew it wasn't the one. As the rest of the day went by, house by house, I started to forget about the parking lot incident. Finally, we reached house #9. It was perfect. Made almost entirely of smart glass, it was a long two story house with a gorgeous backyard and patio and a crystal clear pool running along the side, it was modern yet still child friendly. It was perfect. Nash must've noticed my excitement, because without hesitation he offered a deal, more than the original offer. The realtor immediately accepted, and Nash came back over with the papers to sign. This was happening. We were buying a house. We were going to move in together. We were getting married.

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