Chapter 25

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Nash's POV

"Get up!" Valentine demanded, for the dozenth time.
"Two more minutes..." I groaned, rolling over. I felt her leave the bed and then the room, her footsteps becoming quieter. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a splash of ice cold water smack my face. I jerked up, soaked. "What the fuck!" I yelled
"I told you to get up" She smirked, crossing her arms across her chest.
I pulled her down onto the bed, pinning her under me in the pool of ice water, pressing my forehead to hers.
"Good morning" She whispered. "Why's the bed wet?"
I chuckled. "Some bitch threw water on me"
"Ugh, what a bitch" Valentine giggled "At least you're up. You have a meeting in twenty minutes"
"Crap" I groaned, rolling off of her and pulling on a suit. "You have any plans?"
She shrugged. "Probably going to go to the mall and buy shoes"
"I'll pick you up and we can go get some lunch?"
She nodded, kissing me. "Have fun"
I chuckled, and headed off.

An hour and a half later...

I texted Valentine that I was running late and we should meet up at the restaurant, she didn't have a problem with that. I arrived at the restaurant, frantic that I was twenty minutes late. The hostess showed me to my empty table. I waited for Valentine to return from the bathroom, because that's where I supposed she was. But she didn't come. I took out my phone to call her, and realized my phone was on Do Not Disturb, and I have four missed calls from an unknown number. I clenched my jaw and called back.
"Hello, this is UCLA Private Medical Center. How may I help you?" The voice on the other side of the line said
My heart dropped to the floor. "Y-yes. I received four miss calls, I'm Nash Grier"
"Ah yes. Um... Mr. Grier, your fiancé has been in an accident"
I let my phone drop to the floor, and didn't bother picking it up as I rushed to the hospital.

"Valentine West. Where is she?!" I demanded, slamming my fists against the desk.
"Please, calm down sir. And give me a moment to check" the receptionist replied. "Hm... Let's see... Valentine North you said, right?"
"No. West! Valentine West! Where the fuck is she?!"
"Now sir, there is no need to use that language. Calm down or I will call security"
I groaned and stormed away, down the ICU hall, screaming out her name until security had me escorted out into a 'private' and by private they mean solitary waiting room. No one would tell me anything, and I couldn't call anyone because I hadn't brought my phone.
Finally, the door opened.
"Mr. Grier..." The doctor said, still not having removed his mask. I couldn't tell if he was smiling or frowning.
"No. No, no, no. No!" I yelled. She can't be dead. She just can't.
"She's alive, Mr. Grier. She's in the ICU, very severe injuries and we still aren't sure what they are.
"Let me see her"
"I'm afraid I can't do that, she needs to rest. Is there anyone you would like to call! You can use one of our hospital phones"
I nodded and called Alex who called everyone else and immediately came over.

"How is she?" Carter asked, as he came into the waiting room.
"They won't let us see her, we're not family" Alex responded
"What the hell did you do to her, Grier?!" Liam yelled, barging over and pushing me up against the wall
"Nothing!" I groaned, throwing him off me. "She was in a car crash"
"You're dead, Grier" He snapped, and went over to speak with the doctor, who let him inside Valentine's room.

"Only because I have to go, but I'll be back in the morning" Liam said, having convinced the doctor to let me in and spend the night.

She just lied there. Motionless. A soft beeping in the background assuring that she was okay. But she wasn't okay. She had a broken rib, a slightly torn lung, a piece of metal stabbed itself through and through her leg, blunt force trauma to the head, and scars all over. It was three am and I wasn't going to sleep. I couldn't and I wouldn't.
"Hi" A soft voice whispered.
I snapped up, taking her hand in mine. "Hey... Babe... You... Do you know what happened?"
"Car crash. I'm in the hospital" She said, cringing in pain with each word.
"Shh, don't talk. You're okay now, okay? I love you"
She was about to reply, words so close to escaping her lips, and the her body shot up into a seizure, her vitals beeping loudly now. Nurses and doctors flooded the room, pausing me out. I cursed, smacking my foot against the wall.

"What happened?!" Carter exclaimed
"She had a seizure"
"She's going to be alright Nash" Alex comforted
"It's all my fault. I should've picked her up like I promised. She was in the car because I put her there! It's my fault she's in there"
"Of course it's not, Nash" Cam reassured, Carter scoffed.
"Mr. Grier, may I speak to you outside?"
"Anything you need to tell me you can tell me in front of them" I said
He doubted before speaking. "The baby didn't make it. I'm so sorry"
"What baby?"

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