Chapter 27

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Valentine's POV

"Can I have a bottle of aspirin, please?" I asked the pharmacist.
"Here you go, sugar. You look familiar... Have I seen you anywhere?"
"I'm a model"
"Makes sense, you're gorgeous. How'd that happen?" The girl, who's name according to her name tag was Sydney, asked, flashing a sweet smile at me.
"Thank you, and car crash" I replied, paying for the bottle of pain killers
"Mhm... Glad it's just crutches"
It wasn't just crutches. I lost a child. "It wasn't, but okay" I grumbled, taking the bottle and leaving.

I got back in the car. "Thanks for driving me" I said to Matt, who had driven me to the pharmacy.
"Anytime" he replied, dropping me back at the house.
"Helloooo!" I called out into what seemed, for once in an entire week was an empty house.
"Hey" Carter said. Crap. Carter and I had been avoiding each other ever since that awkward moment in the parking lot.
"Do you need help getting upstairs?" He asked me. I reluctantly nodded, I'd been hanging out downstairs all week, and needed a change of scenery. He picked me up bridal style and headed to the upstairs living room. "I'd ask you how you're doing, but I think you've been asked that enough, right?"
I laughed softly. He was right. I've been receiving hourly texts from Nash making sure I'm alright. Clearly I wasn't, but I wouldn't tell him that. He's been so delicate around me, thinking five times before speaking to me just to make sure he wouldn't say anything potentially bad. He was treating me like a baby. I didn't like it.

"Yeah..." We were silent for a few moments. "Well, this isn't at all awkward"

"Yeah..." He murmured, running his hand through his hair. "I want you"

"Carter..." I said, taking a shallow breath. He clenched his jaw as I said his name. He inched closer to me, placing his hand on my jaw line. "I can't, we can't. Nash..."

"Don't say his name" He muttered, and then added "Say my name"

"Carter... I'm getting married..."

"He'll never know" He assured me, only millimeters away from my lips. His eyes poured into mine, as heat rose to my cheeks. "You want to, too. You know you do" He was right. I did. So I did it. We kissed, but it was so much more than that. It was something I'd never felt with Nash. The sparks, were like hot explosions.

"No..." I said, pulling away. "Carter, I can't. He's your best friend" I pulled myself to my feet and started to head to my room, but before I left I had to tell him something. "You deserve a girl who can actually be with you, Carter" And with that I crutched off.

That evening...

"How are you feeling?" Nash asked me.

"Same as I was an hour ago, fine" I muttered, repositioning my leg.

"Need some help with that?"

"I said I'm fine!" I yelled "I mean... Sorry. I'm just tired and my leg hurts" I said, though I wasn't lying, I wasn't telling the whole truth. "How was your day?" I asked, desperate to change the topic of conversation to him

"Just a bunch of boring meetings. The wedding planner called, she wanted to meet with us to discuss floral arrangements or something"

"Oh... About that, maybe we should postpone the wedding" I said, I needed a few weeks to think, and by the time I think, and then get better physically, I'll need more time to plan the wedding.
"Is something wrong, babe? You seem... Out of it. I thought you said there was no way you were going to postpone the wedding..."
"Yeah... I just... Never mind. June 20th." I said, faking a smile.
"I love you, Valentine" He said
"I love you too" I replied, inwardly cringing. What the f*ck am I doing?

Later that week...

Nash's POV

"Hey, Evelyn. You got a minute?" I asked
"I'd like to think I have more than a minute" She replied, gesturing me to come in as she sipped on her glass of champagne. She was 55 years old, had the body of a 35 year old and the personality of an teenager. Now on her fifth divorce, Evelyn was quite the character
"Heh... It's about Valentine" I explained. "She's been... I feel like she's... Overwhelmed. The accident, loosing the baby, planning the wedding..."
"Mhm... And what do you suggest we do about that?" Evelyn asked
"I... I don't know. That's why I came to you, I thought you might know" I shrugged sheepishly.
"Mhm... You know, I don't like you that much, Nash. You're too much like my third husband. Ah, Ronald. Very dominant in bed... Speaking of, how's my daughter in bed?"
I squirmed in my seat, unsure how to reply.
"You can tell me, I'm her mother silly"
"Uh... Good... Really good" I corrected, hoping she liked my answer. She seamed to be pleased.
"Back to your question, there's not much you can do. You can't give her the baby back, you can't take away the physical pain from the crash, wedding stress is normal and healthy. Send her to a tropical island for a month, that should work"
"What about... Therapy?"
"Therapy? Therapy?!" She exclaimed, an angered tone in her voice. "Therapy is for traumatized people! My daughter is not traumatized! She's had a most wonderful life... until she met you" Evelyn muttered that last part under her breath, but I heard it.
"She's traumatized, Evelyn. And your ignorance has been making her worse! She's been keeping this in for 20 years!" I exclaimed. Crap.
"Excuse me? What are you talking about?!"
"Nothing" I snapped
"Hamilton Nash Grier you have five seconds to tell me before I raise hell" She threatened
"Her father... Abused her" I said. It felt odd. I felt awful that I had told Evelyn her daughter's most precious secret, but relieved that she could now do something about it.
She was silent. "Henry you bastard!" She finally screamed, throwing the cup to the floor exploding it into thousands of little shards of glass, much like Valentine's heart would when she found out I told her mother.

I had to be the one to tell her what I did. It'd only be worse coming from her mother.
"Hey, can we talk?" I asked her, leaning against the door of our bedroom where she lay motionless on the bed.
Hearing my voice, she sat up a bit and nodded aimlessly.
"I uh... I'm worried about you so I talked to your mom"
"Ugh" She groaned "Why would you do that? I love her, but she's crazy"
"Yeah..." I chuckled softly, sitting down next to her. "So we were talking... And it just slipped out..."
She raised her eyebrows, slightly alarmed
"I told her what your dad did..."
Her stoned emotion turned to rage. "How could you?! I trusted you! You swore you'd never tell anyone!"
"I know- I... Babe..." I reached out to grab her hand, but she slapped it away.
"I kissed Carter" Valentine said, without a shred of remorse. "I felt awful, it's been eating me up inside. I was so sorry. I was going to tell you, beg for your forgiveness, but I'm not going to. I made a small mistake, awful but small. You... You told biggest secret! Y- you- go to hell, Grier" She stormed out, and I ran out after her. She pulled the front door open and just as she was going to walk out, she bumped straight into Carter who was walking in, holding hands with a girl.
"Whoops! Sorry!" The girl exclaimed. "Oh, it's you! You might not remember me, I'm Sydney" the girl grinned "The pharmacist. Well, part time pharmacist-"
"I don't care" Valentine snapped, after having a thorough look over the two. "Why?" She asked Carter
"We went on a date in the park, it started raining... We came here" Carter said, nervously.
"My house! This is my house! You have your own house! Take your bimbos there!" She screamed, and stormed out into the pouring rain.

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