Chapter 12

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Nash's POV

That son of a bitch. We literally broke up only 17 days ago! Who the hell does Carter think he is? And Valentine! I mean... I can't be mad at her, but she'd be stupid to fall for someone like HIM. A jerk ass womanizer.

I clenched my jaw as I glared at the two. "You're such a jackass, Carter!" I yelled

Valentine wasn't sure what to do, she seemed to have stopped kissing Carter but hadn't pulled away from him.

"She broke up with you, Nash. Get over it or go cry to your mommy"

"Carter... Don't be-" She muttered

"Be what? Honest? You're the jackass, Nash. I may hook up with tons of girls, but I remember every single one of them, you couldn't even bother to remember your Highschool girlfriend when she was standing right in front of you!" Carter yelled

"Carter, thank you... I think. But I should really go to hair and makeup and have them fix my eyeliner" She said, and pulled away from him and walked right past me.

I glared at Carter and then stepped out of the water. The photoshoot continued, but there was this awkward tension.

Valentine's POV

Thankfully, the session ended not that long after and everyone headed off their separate ways. Carter and I were still in the water, laughing as we splashed each other. He wrapped his arms around me, spinning my body around to face him and kissed me, his hands grasping at my hair. Nash hadn't left, but we hadn't noticed that until he stormed into the water and pushed Carter down into. Carter jumped to his feet, and pushed Nash down. The two went at it as I screamed for them to stop; then Carter clocked Nash straight in the abs, he screamed out in pain dropping to his knees. Carter stormed out of the water and disappeared into the parking lot behind the sand.

"Nash!" I exclaimed, kneeling down behind him. "Are you okay?" I asked, this didn't mean anything, I wasn't going to let the poor guy there by himself, but it didn't mean anything.

Nash cringed as he stood up. "I'm fine"

"No, you're not. Let me call a doctor or something" I insisted, helping him sit down by the shore. "Carter really packs a punch..." I muttered, studying the huge bruise on his upper abdomen.

"Shut up" he groaned "That jerk does not deserve a girl like you"

"Some would say a jerk like you doesn't either" I retorted

"You know I feel awful about that. And I understand you're mad, you should be"

"I'm glad you understand that, Nash" I said, taking out my phone.

"Don't call an ambulance, they have bigger emergencies than this" He said, I sighed and told him I'd be right back and went to get a first aid kit from my car; bringing it back I took out Neosporin.

"It's gonna sting a little" I said, and placed the cold gel against the bruise and ran my fingers across it, applying a big more pressure than necessary, but hey! He deserved it. I then took out a gauze strip and taped it to his chest. "Change it tonight" I said and helped him up.

"Valentine" He said

"Yes, Nash?"

"Can we be friends at least?" He asked

"Nash, I don't think you actually understand what you did. You can feel bad about it all, but you cannot really understand what you did to me, twice. Carter was right. You didn't even remember my name. If you need anything, don't call me" I said, and left.

My Obsession (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now