Chapter 26

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Valentine's POV

Everything hurt. Breathing hurt. Subtle movements hurt. Thinking hurt.
Where was Nash? He was here before, I can't really remember when, but I know he was here. What day was it? How long had I been here? Where was here? There were wires hanging from my arm... One that connected to a morphine bag, another to a bag of blood. So I was in the hospital... I tried to think back as to how I got here, I cringed in pain. Where was Nash? Why wasn't he here? Was Nash hurt too? He wasn't dead, was he? No. Nash wasn't dead. He is not dead, Valentine. Don't think like that.
"I see you're awake" A man in a white doctor coat said, grabbing a chart from the foot of my bed. "I'm doctor Rousseau. Do you know who you are?"
"Valentine West" I replied, my voice sounding groggier than it did in my mind.
"Good" He smiled. "Do you know what happened?" I cringed in pain, trying to think what happened. "No, no. Don't try and think" he said, putting the chart back and looked at me. "You're a very strong girl, Miss West. Your brother was here, but he had to go fly your mother in. He said he'd be back tonight. Is there any other family member you'd like to come in?"
"Nash, my fiancé. Where is he?"
"I'm afraid I can't allow him in until visitor hours. He's not a family member"
"He's my fiancé. He's my family" I insisted, the seriousness and pain growing in my voice.
The doctor was silent for a moment, nodded and left. I was going to yell out after him, but I was in too much pain. This morphine drip wasn't working.
Nash walked in. A feel of relief washed over me, he was okay.
"How are you?" He asked "Does anything hurt?"
"Everything hurts" I groaned. "What happened?"
"You don't remember?" He asked, confused. I slightly shook my head and he sat down beside me, taking my limp hand into his.
"You were in a car crash, on your way to lunch with me..." He said, burying his face in our hands.
"It's not your fault" I assured him. "When was that?"
"Three days ago" He replied. I tried to study his face, so many emotions coursing through it.
I was going to say something, I don't know what, but pain drowned out my voice replacing it with a scream.
A nurse ran in, asking me what was wrong. I don't know what was wrong! That was her job! She upped the dosage of my morphine and the pain slightly subsided.
"What's wrong...?" I asked him, once I finally managed to speak. There was something else on his mind.
"What? Uh, nothing. Just thinking"
"Tell me"
"It's nothing"
"Hamilton, now is not the time to keep secrets" I said, the nine worded sentence tiering me out.
"You were pregnant..."
"Oh my god! I didn't even think about that! I was going to tell you at lunch! Wait... Were? No. No, no. No! This can't be happening! No... No!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face. My cries turned into wails which turned into a strain for breath.
"Valentine, babe, stay with me. Breath. It's okay. It's all okay. You'll get pregnant again. Don't worry. Just breath" He told me. And then everything went dark.


"Miss West, I'm-"
"Doctor Rousseau..." I muttered.
"Correct. I see you're rather lucid. Aware of what your fiancé told you?"
I nodded. I was feeling better, well no, better isn't the right word. I was feeling less physical pain.
I was pregnant. And now that baby, that wonderful baby that could've been so much, no longer existed. My child, gone. What if I couldn't get pregnant again?
"You can get pregnant again" The doctor commented, as if reading my mind. "I had Mr. Grier sign off on some tests, you're in your prime reproductive years. And you're feeling better, that's good. You're a strong girl, Miss West. Recuperating very fast" I smiled slightly. "Your mother is here, would you like me to send her in?" I shrugged

"Oh my, darling! Look at you! You poor thing! And four months from your wedding! Oh the horror!" My mother exclaimed. "And this room! Are they trying to make this tragedy even worse?"
"I'm good mom, thanks for asking" I said, laughing softly.
"Oh hush hush, Valentine. I talked with that sexy French doctor, Rousseau, he said you could be transferred out and put on bed-rest at your house in a few days. And he's single. I took the liberty to get his number from the receptionist, just in case things with Nash don't work out" She winked
"Mom, I love Nash. And the doctor is twice my age"
"Age is just a number! Number's don't matter!" She laughed. Ah, how I missed her and her annoyingness.

The next few days were tough. Three surgeries, a billion bags of morphine and a dozen pep talks later, I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. My broken ribs were healing pretty fast, my cerebral damage was minimum and just caused headaches every once in a while, and the puncture in my leg meant using crutches. None of this would affect my modeling career. By next month, I'd be back on the runway. Only thing was, the whole 'coming home' meant everyone else was also 'coming home' to my house. All the magcon boys, Alex, my mom and my brother.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" My mom asked me, for the hundredth time. "Where is that fiancé of yours and why isn't he helping you?"
"I am helping, Evelyn" Nash groaned, dragging five large suitcases across the long stone driveway.
"I'm fine, mom" I lied. I wasn't fine. Far from it. I'd been in a car crash, lost my future child, and Nash has been beating himself up about it. No matter how many times I told him it wasn't his fault, he wouldn't listen.

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