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Thank you all sooooo much for 3k+ reads!! This is so unreal!!

I'm writing this authors note for several reasons.

1. I've been thinking about adding little notes at the end of each chapter, along with a little teaser, what do you guys think about that?

2. I'd love to get some reader feedback, so please please please comment and tell me what you think about the story in general, a chapter or even a paragraph! I don't mind if the feedback is negative, if anything that's better so I can improve!!

3. Also, I've seen people make covers or banners for books they like, and if anyone wanted to make one that'd be totally awesome, and I'll make sure to post it in one of our chapters and obviously give credit!! So if you did want to, that'd be awesome!!

4. I might not be updating too much next week or the one after, I have midterms!! But I'll try my best!!

5. Again, I wanted to thank you all so much for 3k reads!!

ps: guys it would mean the world to me if you guys interacted, leave comments! Give feedback! If you liked a certain moment, tell me!! I'd love to know!!

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