Chapter 11

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Nash's POV

"Valentine! Please open the door!" I yelled out, banging on her door. I had spent the last two days calling and texting her and finally decided to take things up in person; but she wouldn't talk to me.

Finally, the door opened. "Nash, it is 11pm! Get off my property or I swear I'll call the police" Valentine said, slamming the door in my face, but before she could do it I slipped inside.

"Just hear me out, and then I'll never bother you again" I pleaded

"You have sixty seconds. Go" She said, annoyed.

"First of all, I am so sorry for standing you up. Not just at dinner, but eleven years ago, at prom. I was jerk then and Im a jerk now. Jack told me you were planning on standing me up, for payback. And you were right to want to, and you have every right to hate me. But I love you. I loved you eleven years ago and I still love you now, please take me back"

"Goodbye, Nash" She said, and pushed me out the door, locking it behind me.

Two weeks later..

"Can't I just call in sick?" I whined "I don't want to gooooo"

"Come on, sweetie. You have to. Show him what he lost! You have to win the break up!" Alex insisted, dragging me onto the set on the beach. We got changed into red caged bikinis and headed to hair and makeup. I saw the boys arriving from the corner of the mirror, and more specifically Nash heading towards me.

"Get lost" Alex sneered

"I just want to ta-"

"I have a job to do, Mr. Grier. Try to act professional, please" I said, standing up and heading down to the shore line with the photographer, who began to explain the vibe of the session. I cringed as he told me I would still be posing with Nash, but like Alex said, this was my chance to win the breakup.

He told us to go pose on the rocky area in the water, and to lie down. I did so, letting my body mold itself against the rocks. Nash positioned himself on top of me, his right hand beside my head, and the other beside my leg. The photographer jumped into the water, positioning himself to take the pictures. Nash's eyes stared into mine as he slowly ran his fingers through my hair.
I clenched my jaw as the photographer commented on our perfect chemistry.

"I'm sorry" Nash whispered

"I don't care"


"Perfect! Everyone take five while I change cameras! You two, don't leave!" The photographer called out.

I sat up, pushing him off me. "Nash, what's done is done. I thought you had changed, but it's obvious you haven't. Just... Move on, because I have"

"Okay! And we're back! Nash, Valentine we are adding Carter to the picture" The photographer said as Carter made his way through the water over to us. "Now, I want Valentine sitting on the rocks in front of Carter, and standing in the water at her feet is Nash. Carter, take advantage of your muscular build by flexing your arms around her waist and hips when you kiss her neck. And Nash, you look at her with a begging, regretful look. Like you are now. And Valentine, you perfect girl"

We all did as told, and as Carter kissed my neck, moving down to that spot between my shoulder and clavicle I let out a soft moan, and blushed. Nash's look turned to anger. Carter just chuckled, continuing to play around with my hair.

"Perfect! I'm loving that jealousy look, Nash. You really are quite the actor! Okay! That scenes a wrap! Next I want Alex lying in the sand with... The two Jacks" He said, and I hopped off the rocks into the cold water, followed by Carter. We all started making our way towards the shore, but Carter pulled me by the wrist back over to him.

"We don't have to get of the water just yet..." He whispered, over the sounds of waves crashing by the shoreline.

"Carter, I really shouldn't. Nash-"

"You broke up with Nash, you have the right to... Make out with other people" He said, running his hands down my sides.


Fine, you don't want to, I ain't gonna force you" he said, turning away.

"I was going to say, I guess your right" he turned back around, and pinned me up against the rocks. I'm not going go say Carter's kisses were magical or anything, but damn did this boy know how to work it.

"You guys coming or-" Nash called out, stopping mid sentence as he looked back and saw us. I wasn't sure what to call the emotion he must be experiencing. It seemed like a mix of anger, regret, jealousy and sadness. Did I feel bad for Nash? Not really... He broke my heart TWICE, the same way. Would I ever forgive him? I'll move on, but that's not the same as forgiving. So, no. I won't forgive Nash for what he did.

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