Chapter 19

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Nash's POV

"Babe, you're not seriously mad are you? Nothing happened. You know nothing happened! Carter's not my type. Not that even if he was I would never cheat on you. Nash! Naaaaaash! Babyyyyy!" Valentine whined the entire car ride to the coffee shop and back.
"Valentine, it's fine. I'm fine. We're fine. Everything is f*cking fine" I finally said.
"Nash, I know you and I love you. Something's clearly not fine"
"You know what's not fine? My girlfriend woke up naked with one of my best friends, who happens to be a stupid ass fuckboy, in separate room from everyone else and covered head to toe in hickies which I did not give to her. So yes, Valentine, I am not fine!" I exclaimed and walked away.

Valentine's POV

I stormed upstairs and placed the coffees onto the table. I took a deep breath and I swear I tried not to do it, but I did. I punched Carter Reynolds. And damn, it hurt a lot.
"What was that for?!" He exclaimed, clearly unharmed.
I spun on my heel and walked out the door, slamming it behind me. Biting my lip I reluctantly knocked on the door. Carter opened. I pushed passed him, grabbed my coffee and stormed right back out.
I don't know how long I had been waiting for Nash. Could've been anything from an hour to five. Finally, when he did come back, there was this awful awkward silence. No one spoke. He sat down on the other side of the bed and used his phone, and for a good thirty minutes, did and said nothing.
"Nash" I finally said
No response.
"Nash, please talk to me" I insisted.
No response.
"Hamilton Nash Grier, less than 3 days ago you literally proposed, and now you won't even talk to me! So I am demanding you talk to me!"
"Demanding?" He finally said, turning to look at me
"Yes, I am demanding you speak to me" I said, crossing my arms
"Exactly! We can't go three days without turning everything into a big fight! How can I even think of marrying you when I can only think about when our next fight will be!?" He yelled, standing up
"Nash, calm down" I said, trying to relax myself as well. "Now, I know you, Nash. And I know whatever it is I did or didn't do with Carter is something you can clearly be pissed about but all this, is something more"
"What's to stop you next time?" He said. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "What's to stop you from cheating on me? Sure, you didn't this time. But look at yourself! You clearly hooked up with someone, and who knows how far you would've gone if I hadn't been here? What's to stop you from going out partying and getting drunk and waking up the next morning with a complete stranger? Clearly you have no trouble finding a guy interested in you and aren't exactly anti-alcohol"
"I would never cheat on you" I said, slightly offended. Did he really think that of me? That I'm just some alcoholic model bimbo that's going to hook up with the next guy that grabs my ass? "Which part of I LOVE YOU do you not understand? I need you, Nash Grier. I am in love with you and it's an obsession that I need" I didn't reply. "Nash, you clearly need some more time to yourself. I'm just gonna go, I don't know, somewhere; and you do whatever the hell it is you need to do to open your eyes and realize just how much you're fucking this all up" She said, and walked out the door without another word.
I grabbed the nearest glass cup and slammed it into the floor.

I heard the door quietly open, I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see who it was.
"It three AM, go back to sleep" She said taking off her shoes.
"What were you doing till three in the morning?" I groaned, turning on the light
"Not cheating on you, or getting drunk, or high" She muttered, slipping into a blind spot so I wouldn't see her take off her dress. Seriously? And almost as if reading my mind, she added; "Yes, I am seriously not changing in front of you. Wouldn't want you to see my treasonous hickies" Valentine mocked
"You know that's not what I meant" I said
"It wasn't? Oh, now, do please tell me what it meant when you think I'll cheat on you the next chance I get"
"I didn't mean to say it like that"
"And what did you mean?"
"That... Ugh, I don't even know! I was pissed and I said any random thing that came to my mind!" I argued
"Bullshit, Nash. BULL.SHIT. You really just see me as a slutty bitch, don't you?"
"No! Of course not! I would never think that. I see you as the most gorgeous, amazing, sexy, intelligent, honest, sweet, kind, caring, awesome girl I know! And I love you like hell, it's just-"
"I'm pregnant" She blurted out.
Looking back on my life, this was probably one of the stupidest things I ever did. I did nothing. My girlfriend, who I kinda proposed to, told me she was pregnant and I said nothing.
"I'm not sure, but my periods late and I'm never late and I haven't taken a test because they aren't accurate until six days after having sex and it's only been three days. I mean condoms are only 98% efficient and I'm on the pill but maybe I forgot to take it that day because we came to Australia and I forgot but I'm not sure.... and I'm totally stressing out" I still didn't respond. "Nash? Are you okay?"
"I... Uh.... You're... But... Uh..." I stuttered

Valentine's POV

Wow. Okay. I tell him he might be the father of my child and that's all I get? Silence and a few sounds? Well that's great.
"Nash, babe, please say something" I pleaded
"I... Uh... I... I'm obviously here for you, and I will raise this baby with you and we will be the most amazing parents ever and this will be one damn lucky baby since it'll be having you for a mother"

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