Biblichor: Chapter 2

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Javier practically skipped into the office today. Heads of his co-workers turned in confusion as a preppy and on-time Javier Peña entered the office.

"Morning Javier," Steve greeted as he walked into their shared office, surprised at Javier's punctuality.

"Ya morning, come on, you're already 5 minutes late let's go."

"What? Go to the library? I just got here, why are we going so early?"

"Because.... we should get it over with so that we can go back to our normal jobs again, come on," Javier quickly lied, hoping Steve wouldn't see through eagerness.

Javier could barely sleep the night before. Thoughts of you plagued his mind. It was bittersweet. He hated that he's acting like a teenage boy again; obsessed, giddy, horny, and a sweaty mess. Although, he did enjoy having something to wake up for. These traits were almost new and foreign, opposed to the constant frustration and sadness he learned to bury deep down every day. It was still scary though, he knew everywhere he went, destruction followed. The thought of hurting someone so innocent and precious worried him. He didn't want to crush you the way he's already done to himself. It created a nervous pit in his stomach, but selfishness took over, and he couldn't help but want to explore it further, with caution, of course.

. . . . .

When Javier parked, he quickly checked himself out in the mirror while Steve wasn't looking before heading inside. He noticed the beautiful young woman he flirted with yesterday wasn't at the front desk and concern surged through him. Did he go through all this trouble just to miss you.

The men made their way to the back as Javier subtly looked up and down the isles of books looking for his favorite librarian. The two sat down across from each other with their newspapers. Javier now grumpy that he couldn't find you. Every few minutes he snuck a newspaper from his pile into Steve's to keep him occupied as he looked from his seat. After about 30 minutes, he saw you walking past the corridor behind Steve.

"Hey, I'm low on newspapers. I'm going to go find some more. I'll be back in a bit," Javier said quickly as he rushed out the room to find you.

Steve nodded his head and looked back down at his stacks of old newspapers. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not remembering taking these many papers. But shook the thoughts away and made a mental note to ask Connie for a check-up when he gets home.

. . . . .

Meanwhile, Javier was practically sprinting through the racks of books until he saw you with a trolly full of returned books. He smirked and made his way over.

You walked down the isles mindlessly placing the books on the shelves. As you place a book on the shelf, a face quickly pops up behind the books causing you to jump back and let out a little squeak.

"Javier! Oh my god! Don't do that!" You said, yelling at him in a whisper. Javier let out a chuckle at you while walking around the corner.

"Sorry, pretty lady." the blush appears on your cheeks like it always does when he is around.

"Can I help you with anything, Javier? Need any book recommendations? Another romance perhaps?" You smirk teasingly.

"No, no. I just came to admire." Javier's gaze up and down your body, eyes studying your outfit.

"Oh is that all?" You smile and continue about your work as Javier follows you as if he were your shadow.

After a few minutes of Javier watching you in admiration, he starts asking you stupid little questions, genuinely curious about your life.

Eventually, you tell him about where you grew up and a bit about your childhood. Javier didn't know why, but every word that came out of your mouth became the most fascinating and beautiful thing he had ever heard. Not once did he dare interrupt you in the fear he'd never hear your sweet voice again. He was captivated by you and desperately wanted more.

Your story ended after about fifteen minutes or so, once the cart was empty. You knew you had to get back to your next task, however, you couldn't find it in yourself to walk away just yet.

"I'm all out of books, I'm going to have to go back," you said with a slight inflection of sorrow in your voice. You noticed the spark in Javier's eyes diminish when you told him the news.

"Do you have to?"

"Well, I already took longer than I normally do. My boss will come looking for me if I'm not back soon"

"Javi? Damn it, are you over here?" Steve's voice startled Javier.

He quickly looks around, trying to pinpoint the location of his partner. Through the cracks of the bookshelves, he sees Steve a few aisles down. Javier quickly grabs your hand and pulls you into another aisle where Steve couldn't see you two.



The two of you wait a moment for Steve to pass, but as Javier is focused on the location of his partner, you become painstakingly aware of the space between the two of you. Or, more specifically, the lack of.

"Sorry about that, Beautiful. That was my co-worker. He'd kill me if he knew I was ditching him right now. I guess it would be best if we both get going huh?" Javier takes a step back much against your disposition.

"Yeah. That would probably be best," you say with pain in your chest "When can I see you again?"

"Well, maybe if I got your numbe-"

"Next time. I see you, I promise. That is if you're able to see me another time."

"I'll try my best tomorrow, but don't worry I'll be back as soon as I can, Princess, I promise," Javier says with a smirk. Your heart can't help but flutter when suddenly your body acts before your mind could register, and you jump onto your toes to give Javier a quick peck to the corner of his lips.

Javier is stunned by your action, and before his body could respond, it was over. Blush covers his body as he's hindered speechless.

"See you soon, Javi" You give him a shy smile and scurry away before he could say or do anything.

After a moment, a giant grin forms on Javier's face as he watches you walk away through the wooden shelves.

"God, Javi! I've been looking for you everywhere! What the hell!" Steve says, bursting Javier's moment of joy.

"What? I decided to take a smoke break, and then I got lost." All Steve could do was roll his eyes.

"First of all, that was the longest smoke break ever, and second, you got lost in the kids' aisle?" Before Javier could make up a lie, Steve cuts him off, not caring about the conversation anymore. "Well, I couldn't find anything in those newspapers, and now I've got a migraine. I'm done, let's go." Steve said, tugging Javier's leather jacket.

"Alright! Alright! I still think we should come back here tomorrow, though. This library is perfect. I mean has everything we need... I don't want to leave all the potential evidence to rot away "

"I'll never understand you, Javier. First, you're disgusted by the idea of the library, and now you're asking to come again tomorrow? You're confusing and weird." Steve said, puzzled by Javier's overnight transformation.

"I don't know what to say. I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong," Javier shrugs and smiles as they exit the Library. He couldn't help but grin at the thought of tomorrow's library trip. 

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