Biblichor: Chapter 17

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Ringing. Constant ringing. Javier shut his eyes, trying everything he could to drown out the horrid sound. His mind was clouded, resulting in his body moving on its own. He wasn't even sure if he was breathing, but the way he continued to move told him otherwise.

"Woah, Watch it!" One agent yelled when Javier bumps into him. He does respond, though, just continues to try to find the nearest restroom.

Javier makes a sharp turn around the corner, stumbling as he reaches for the doorknob before aggressively yanking it open. His body starts to give out when he practically falls inside the restroom. Luckily the sink was close enough for him to grab onto.

Javier's short, labored breaths echo through the empty restroom. He slowly looks up into the mirror, inspecting his pale face through his blurry eyes. He looked sickly like he was on the verge of throwing up and crying.

His mind played reruns of what had happened in the office. The sound of your voice saying those three terrifying words became a high-pitched ringing. He could feel the touch of your fingertips lingering on his cheeks, see the way your eyes sparkled and the way those sparkles became tears.
It all became too overwhelming. "What have I done?" Was the question that repeated in Javier's mind. So much was packed into that one question. It feeds his idea that he had made a mistake starting this relationship with you, but it contrasts his thought that he should have stayed and kissed you and told you he loves you. But none of those ideas are an option now. Now, he's left to deal with the consequences of his actions.

Javier refocuses his mind and eyes on the real world, but when he does, he is met with the horrible sight in the mirror. One that he isn't familiar with; a crying Javier. Another feeling starts to boil inside of him; anger. The way he was acting was ridiculous- the whole situation was ridiculous. But what stumped him was in what way was this ridiculous.

Javier shook his head and turned on the faucet, tossing cold water onto his hot face to wash away his problems. After a few minutes, he finally pulls himself together. With one last look in the mirror, he gives himself a nod of approval. He can't hide from you- he needs to talk to you. Whether the conversation would be good or bad, that didn't matter, but he can't hide here.

Javier takes a deep breath before pulling the door open. His hands shake as he steadily makes his way back to his doom.
"Peña!" Javier is brought to a halt when a firm hand grips his shoulder. He rolls his eyes, realizing who the owner of the disgusting hand is.

"Did you need something, Stechner?"

"Yeah, let's chat in my office." Stechner pulls Javier away, but Javier's gut screams for him to run the other way.
The pair enter the cold office and take their seat in the leather chair. "Want anything to drink?" Bill gestures to his tray of alcohol.

"Trying to poison me?"

"Oh, don't be dramatic, Peña." Bill rolls his eyes as he pours himself a drink.

"What do you want?" Javier says, emotionless.

"Cutting right to it, huh. Alright then," Stechner walks to his desk and opens the file that lays on top. "This is some interesting evidence you got here. I hate to say it, but this was a genius connection." Stechner inspects the two contrasting images. "Brilliant."

"What is your point?" Javier groans.

"There are a few things. For starters, you're not going on any raids until next week."

"What?!" Javier springs to his feet. Anger and shock run through his veins. "Why?!"

"Special request, made by me."

"You fucker!" Javier spats out.

"Woah, listen first. I heard of your promotion, and I- I mean, we decided that it would be best if you learn the ropes of your new job before rushing right in." It takes every bone in Javier's body to not knock out the man where he stands.
"Bull! Shit!" Javier can see the glimmer of mischief gleaming in Stenchner's eyes.

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