Biblichor: Chapter 4

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Two weeks had passed since your enchanting weekend with Javier. His work commitments had kept you apart, but that didn't mean the connection between you had faded. Instead, your daily routine had adapted to accommodate his busy schedule.

Every morning, you eagerly awaited his call, taking solace in the sound of his voice. Simple conversations had turned into meaningful exchanges about your dreams, fears, and interests. While the question of your relationship status hung in the air, you couldn't help but wonder if the bond you shared could lead to something more.

Over the weekend, unable to spend time with Javier, you found solace in the company of your best friend, Mari. Together, you indulged in ice cream and telenovelas, while gossiping and giggling about boys. During these moments, you played out the reenactments of your phone conversations with Javier, sharing the sweet and romantic words he'd whispered into your ear.

Now, it was another Monday morning, and you carried the memory of your weekends together with you as you entered the Café next door. Ordering an extra coffee, black and unadorned, was a personal ritual, a way to honor Javier, who liked his coffee without any "happiness."

Arriving at work, you swiftly devoured your breakfast and savored your coffee. The anticipation of seeing Javier was palpable. Today, your plan involved subtly preparing for his arrival. You had a system, a careful scheme to ensure that he noticed your efforts. You positioned his warm coffee on the second level of the cart and ensured the cart was brimming with returned books, giving the illusion of strenuous work.

As you completed these preparations, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement. The moments shared over the phone had only deepened your connection. The question of your relationship status still loomed, unspoken but ever-present. You wondered if today might be the day that would bring clarity and, perhaps, the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship.

. . . . .

Javier and Steve strolled into the library at the usual time, 9:00 AM. They followed their established routine, grabbing a stack of newspapers and taking their seats at the Microfilm Readers. Javier, however, was careful to secure extra papers this time, ensuring there was a lesser chance of Steve leaving the area. He was keenly aware that if Steve discovered the real reason they frequented the library was for Javier to spend time with you, they might rarely return. Javier's demanding work schedule left little room for leisure, and he was determined to protect the precious moments he could steal with you.

After about 19 minutes of pretending to read the newspapers, Javier leaned over to Steve and casually mentioned that he needed a smoke break. He assured Steve he'd return shortly and then quickly made his way toward the back right of the library, where your secret reading nook awaited. Only you and a select few others knew about this hidden spot. Its obscurity was owed to the labyrinthine maze of bookshelves you had to navigate to reach it.

Inside the reading nook, two inviting leather armchairs sat facing each other, separated by a small wooden table adorned with a twinkling light hanging above it, courtesy of one of the other librarians. The tranquil atmosphere was a well-kept secret that had drawn you and Javier closer.

You placed both of your drinks on the wooden table, then set about returning the books to their rightful shelves within the nook. The cart quickly emptied, leaving just a few volumes. It was in this moment, when you heard the approaching footsteps, that you turned to find Javier.

"I've missed you," you sighed as he drew near. Instead of responding with words, Javier wrapped his strong arms around your waist, planted a gentle kiss on your forehead, and then another, more lingering one on your lips. A soft, shared sigh escaped your lips as your mouths melded together, and you relished in the warmth and closeness of each other's embrace.

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