Biblichor: Chapter 8

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"Connie! You're right!" Steve charged into his apartment, dropping the keys into the tray dramatically.

"Can you say that again for me? I just want to bask at the moment." Steve rolled his eyes at Connie and continued.
"I'm also most 100% convinced that Javi has a girlfriend!"

"And what makes you so sure?"

"I apologized to Javier like you told me, and he was acting weird the whole time. I mean, he wouldn't look at me, he was stuttering, and then Chris walks in and says 'Nice Hickies, Javier!,'" Steve says, trying to do his best Chris impression as Connie's jaw drops.

"I mean, he has to be dating someone, right?!" Steve's arms start flailing around in exaggeration.

"But what if they're from one of his hookups?"

"Nah he never really gets any hickies from his hookups, and when I asked Chris, he said they were everywhere!"

"Hmm, maybe my theory is right. But I haven't seen anyone go in and out of his apartment."

"He must be going over to their place then. It explains why he's never around."

"So, where is he going?"

The two pause and look at each other. Evil grins make their way onto their faces and slowly nod at each other.

"Connie, will you do me the honor of going on a stakeout with me?" Steve says, holding her hands.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Steve gives Connie a passionate kiss, the two laughing into each other's lips.

"This is why I married you." Steve picks Connie up, kissing her as he carries her to their bedroom.

. . . . .

The bruises had faded a lot overnight, but they were still noticeable even with concealer to assist. Luckily it was Friday which meant it was an easy day with little girls and your Javi.

Around 9, the bell by the door rang, and you saw your gorgeous boyfriend and his partner walk in. You did your best not to drool, but who can't at a sight like that?

You heard Steve greeting you, but you didn't care one bit. It was bad to be staring this long, in case Steve caught on, but it felt like a sin to look away.

Javier, on the other hand, was struggling like crazy to not look at you. You were so gorgeous today in your dress, but Steve had been all over him.

All day long, Steve had been asking sly questions about his whereabouts. He must be stupid because they've interrogated people together, so Javier immediately recognized his tactics. As much as he would love to run over, kiss you, and hold you for hours, he wasn't going to let his emotions ruin things for you two.

Now, Steve, he was in full Agent Mode. As you stared at Javier, Steve watched him like a hawk. Looking for any sort of body language that could indicate attraction.

Steve glanced down at Javier's neck and then over to you. He couldn't really see from his angle and the lighting, but he saw spots on your neck where the tint was darker than the rest of your skin. They could quite possibly be hickies, but he wasn't sure.

. . . . .

About two hours into research and a few successful finds, Javier sees you pass by the corridor with your trolly of books. A little smile makes its way onto his face as he thinks about you. Yeah, he could use a break.

"Hey, I'm going to go for a walk. These chairs are killing me. I can't sit down in these for long."

"Good idea," Steve says, standing up.

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