Biblichor: Chapter 21

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It's been 6 days since you've seen Javier - even though you live in his apartment. If you were lucky, you'd see his shadow pass by under the door before he left for work or when he came home. Although he never stopped by to check on you. There were a few occurrences where the shadow would linger at the door for an unusual amount of time. You could always feel your heart race with anticipation of the shadow's next move - but it would quickly disappear before anything could happen. Otherwise, he spent the day hunting down the people who did this to you.

While he was gone, Mary and Connie would take turns watching you during their breaks. They'd always ask you what happened or what things you remember. To avoid arguments, you would lie. Guilt would fill your chest every time you had to look into their caring eyes and come up with a lie. It wasn't fair to deceive them - you know that. Yet, the fear of repercussions scared you too much.

"Have you heard from Javi at all?" Connie stopped rummaging through her nursing bag and thought for a moment.

"Not really. Why do you ask?"

"Just... curious." Connie squinted her eyes at you in suspicion.

"Have you heard from Javi recently?"

"Not since everyone was over several days ago." Without a word, Connie sat down next to you. "What?"

"What's up with you two?"

"Nothing! I just haven't heard from him."

"Mmhmm," Connie looks at you unconvinced. "Well, let's work on your mobility. We can continue this conversation later." You let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the change of subject.

Connie lifts the blankets from you and watches carefully as you attempt to stand from the bed. For leverage, you place your hand on her shoulder. The pain from your abdomen kept you from moving properly, but you fought through it like a champ.

Connie clapped and smiled once you were finally standing. "Look at you! That was so much faster than yesterday!"

You couldn't help but get excited at the mere thought of walking again. It's been so long since things have been normal. You never expected to take something so mundane as walking for granted.

Like a toddler, you took your first steps. They were slow and precise. You knew if you made one wrong move, you'd find yourself on the floor. Connie cheered you on with every step of progress. It felt a bit silly to be cheered on for something so ordinary.

"Lovely job, Hon!" Connie cheered as you arrived at the closed bedroom door.

"Can we try walking farther? Maybe to the kitchen?" You were incredibly sick of being cooped up in Javier's bedroom. Yes, it was big, about ⅔ the side of your apartment, but it wasn't enough.

Connie thought for a moment, pondering your state of mobility. "I guess so-" The ringing of the telephone caused Connie to stop and you to let out a sigh. You held on to the wall for balance while Connie ran to answer it. "Hello? Steve? What's-" Connie let out a gasp. "Of course! I'll leave now!" Connie sprinted back to you with a toothy grin on her face. "I am so sorry! I have to leave! The adoption paperwork is ready! We're adopting our daughter today!"

You chuckled as Connie squealed for joy. "Don't worry about it! Go adopt your daughter."

Connie could hardly think straight. She just nodded her head and ushered you back to the bed. There goes your chance at freedom.

"If there's an emergency, call me. Otherwise, you can call Mary at the diner or DEA office for Chris." Connie hastily tucked you in and handed you your books before running out the door. You've already finished these books three times, but three more wouldn't hurt.

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