Biblichor: Chapter 30

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Your body jolted awake. You're late. "Shit! I knew I shouldn't have slept in!" You whined as you ran to your closet. Through some miracle, you were able to get dressed and ready before 8. Sacrificing your breakfast in the process, you run down the stairs and out of the house.

"Sorry, bud, I can't play right now." Your black and white border collie sits attentively at the steps of the porch with his favorite toy. Feeling guilty, you crouch down and pet in between his ears. "I'm sorry, Din. I'll be back later to play, I promise." Din jumps up to lick your cheek. "Alright, bud, I'll see you later! Be a good boy!" Din happily goes back to playing with his toy, letting you make your escape.

While he's distracted, you race down the steps and to your parked car under the lush tree. The cool fall breeze blew the leaves around, relaxing your mind. It killed you that you couldn't just have a picnic instead of working, but that's life.

Thankfully, there wasn't any traffic, so you were able to make it to work only 10 minutes late. The clicking sound of your heels echoes down the deserted hall. As you run, you scavenge through your bag to make sure you have everything you need for the day.

"¡Hola Señora Peña!" The class greets you while you are juggling your supplies.

"Buenos días, niños." You greet back. "Sorry, I'm late. I hope everyone behaved and has their homework done, and ready to turn in."

The children turn to their backpacks and pull out their folders of classwork.

"Can't you just tell us stories about Señor Peña like last time?" One of the little boys asks.

"Yeah! Tell us more stories!" Another kid chips up.

You shake your head as you place your stuff on your desk. "No, no! You guys aren't tricking me again!"

"Please!" They all beg in unison.

"Homework time!" You clap your hands together and begin your walk down the rows.

"Awww!" They all whine.

"When is Señor Peña coming in to speak?" One of the girls in the front row asks. "You said he would come in for storytime."

"I'm not sure, but I'll try to have him visit soon to tell stories and teach a class." You say as you walk around the room, collecting homework.

"I heard my mommy saying that she'd leave my dad for Señor Peña." A little girl whispers to her friends.

"Really? Cause my mommy was saying that she and the other mommies from the PTA hope they get a divorce."

"My Daddy said he questions his sexuality every time he sees Sr. Peña. Whatever that means." Another girl shrugs.

"Enough chatter, everyone. I'll tell you more stories of when I lived in Columbia when you're a little bit older." You walk to the front of the room again and take out your textbook. "Alright, niños, please take your textbooks out and turn to page veinte dos."

*Knock Knock*

"Perdóneme, Señora Peña." You hear the children giggle and whisper amongst themselves.

You sigh and shake your head before turning to the door. "¿Sí, Señor Peña?"

"¿Puedo hablar contigo afuera, por favor?" (May I speak with you outside, please?)

"Class, please scoot next to your reading partners and go over this chapter together. Then, do the assignment at the end of the chapter. I'll be back shortly." You say before exiting the class.

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