Biblichor: Chapter 19

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"Please, Baby! I can't- I can't lose you!"

Javier tried to inspect your bloody body to determine how bad your situation was. Lamentably, the tears in his eyes made the world too blurry to tell. Instead, he shot his head up to look for help. Some relief washed over Javier when he spotted paramedics through the plume of smoke.

"Help!" Javier waved his hand to get their attention. He wanted to pick you up and sprint you to the nearest hospital, but he can't tell how bad the damage was. If he was responsible for harming you any further, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. "Somebody, help! She's hurt!"

It pained Javier to watch the first responders run right past you to someone else. Yes, it may be a selfish thought, but he wasn't about to watch the love of his life die in his arms. Especially when he's yet to tell you how he feels.

But something catches his eye through the thick clouds of smoke. A man, a familiar man. The man lingered in the shadow across the way, watching you intently. That's when Javier remembered him. He was the same guy from the bakery- the same guy who was so enthralled with you. Javier didn't know what the connection was. But what he didn't know; was that this was no coincidence. Before Javier could do anything, two paramedics with a stretcher approached you two.

"Necesito que dé un paso atrás, señor" (I need you to step back, Sir.) The paramedic said to Javier as he tried to take care of you.

"¡No! ¡No la voy a dejar!" (No! I'm not leaving her!) Javier protested, offended by the outrageous request.

"No te estoy pidiendo que la dejes para siempre. Solo necesitamos retroceder para que podamos ahorrar." (I'm not asking you to leave her forever. We just need you to step back so we can save her.)

Javier reluctantly let go of you and took a step back. He didn't realize how much physical pain he would undergo by doing so. His whole body felt like it was about to crumble into oblivion.

The two men inspected your unconscious body. One checked your pulse while the other checked your wounds. Javier waited anxiously, tapping his foot and fiddling with his fingers. After, they carefully placed you onto the stretch to rush you to the nearest ambulance. Javier was beside you the whole time, continually watching your chest to make sure you were still breathing. Your slow breaths kept Javier on his toes, constantly, worried it could be your last.

"Lo siento, señor, no puede montar en la amulencia." (I'm sorry, sir, you can not ride in the amulence.) The paramedic said as he stopped Javier from taking his first step into the ambulance.

"Pero yo-" (But I-)

"Lo siento señor. Tenemos que irnos pero puedes volver a verla en el hospital." (I'm sorry, sir. We have to go but you can see her again at the hospital.)

Javier felt like he had been punched in the gut when the doors slammed shut in his face. Watching as the flashing lights disappear down the road, adding more salt to the wound. It hurt knowing you were in an ambulance, dying because of him. He finally snapped out of his evil thoughts and ran to his car. He wasn't going to just stand there and wallow; he needed to be with you.

. . . . .

"Javier?" Connie turned around, surprised by the chaotic sight before her.

"Connie! Where is she?" Javier said as he ran up to her with his blood-covered shirt still on and soot-covered face.

"Who? Your girlfriend?"

Javier hesitated for a moment. Steve must not have told Connie the news. He didn't deserve the luxury- the privilege of calling you his girlfriend, but this wasn't the time to get into the logistics. "Yeah... she got hurt in the bombing at the library. I need to see her, Connie, please!" Connie had never seen Javier so emotional over anything before. Maybe once during game night when he was desperate to beat Steve, but this was different. Here he is now, a panicking mess on the verge of tears.

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