Biblichor: Chapter 5

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You were in the middle of placing the colorful books onto the shelf when suddenly two strong hands turned you around, and the sweetest, softest lips descended upon yours. It was a passionate, almost desperate kiss, filled with longing and desire. After the incredible moment that left you breathless, you had to pull back, even though every fiber of your being wanted to stay locked in that embrace.

"Javi! What are you doing here? I thought you were busy!" You couldn't help but wrap your arms around him, sharing a tight, affectionate hug.

Javier returned the embrace, his eyes lighting up as he held you close. "Yeah, it's been an insane day of paperwork, but I wanted to spend my break with you." He leaned in for another kiss before you returned to your task of putting books on the shelves.

As you continued working, Javier leaned on the cart, looking at you with an affectionate smile. "Sooooooo... I was thinking we should do something tomorrow. I mean, it's going to be Friday, and it looks like I can get out early tomorrow, what do you think?"

Your heart skipped a beat at the idea of spending more time together outside of the library. "You want to hang out somewhere other than the library?" you asked, your eyes filled with excitement and curiosity.

"Yeah! I mean, we're a couple now, doesn't that typically mean we do things together?" Javier replied with enthusiasm, a warm smile on his face.

You chuckled, "Well, I guess you're right. Typical couples don't usually run and hide from their co-workers to make out... well, unless you're 16."

Javier let out a soft laugh. "I know, I know. I'm trying my best here. It's been a long time since I've done this whole commitment and relationship stuff, and even then, I wasn't very good at it."
Setting down the book you'd been holding, you walked over to him, gently cupping his face in your hands. "I know, hot stuff. I'm just messing with you," you said, sticking out your bottom lip and trying to give him your best puppy-dog face.

"Well, I don't really go out to any restaurants. Mainly bars, and I really don't want to take you to a sleazy bar for our first date, so-"

You couldn't help but interrupt him with a teasing smile. "First date? Are we considering this to be our first date now? What about all the times we've spent together in the reading nook?"

Javier smirked and chuckled at your response. "Well, Princess, I think it's high time we had a proper date, don't you? And what could be more proper than dinner and a movie?"

The thought made you feel both excited and nervous. It was a significant step in your relationship with Javier. "Dinner and a movie sound great, Javi. I'd love that."

As you continue putting books on the shelves, Javier starts to reflect on your previous encounters. "Can we really call those dates, though? I mean, the moment we hear footsteps, we're hiding, and at the end of our 'date,' we pretend not to know each other."

You push the trolley into the next aisle, sighing with a grin. "I guess you have a point, but now I'm expecting big things from our first date."

Javier's eyes light up as he smirks. "Don't worry, because I found the perfect place for us to go. It's only a few blocks away from here, and when I saw it, I immediately thought of you."

Your heart flutters at the thought of Javier thinking of you throughout his day. "Aw, that sounds perfect. I can't wait."

Javier checks his watch and realizes his lunch break is almost over. "Alright, I've got to go now. So, I'll pick you up tomorrow at five after tutoring for our first date?"
You nod enthusiastically. Javier checks if the coast is clear and gives you a meaningful kiss before leaving.

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