Biblichor: Chapter 20

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A soft, golden light shines on your eyelids, causing you to slowly blink awake. Your eyelids feel heavy, too heavy to open, but you fought through the discomfort. The pounding of your heart echoed in your ears as you looked around the room. The last thing you could really recall was Seb trying to get back with you in the library. Now, you are lying in a bed in a strange dark room.

You reach down to pull the covers of the bed up further to shelter you from the abnormality, but your sore body stopped you. You hissed and looked down at the bed. That's when you realized how incredibly soft the blankets around your torso and legs were. If you didn't know it was a bed, you would have guessed it was a cloud. Fighting the pain, you slowly stretched your arms open. It stung a little bit, but the feeling of your muscles relaxing was worth it. Unlike your small twin-sized bed, this one went on for miles. Your small bed could never compare to the heaven this bed brought you. An involuntary hum escaped your mouth as you enjoyed the foreign comfort.

You closed your eyes again in pleasure when memories came flooding back in. Not everything returned, though. Only the smell of fire, screams, bright lights, and a song by the Beach Boys. You furrowed your brows at the last faint memory but chose to ignore it when another interrupted.

. . . . .

12 days ago (1 Hour after Javier left)

"Chica!" Mary ran into the room with tears streaming down her face. "Oh, my precious, Chica! You don't deserve this." Mary leaned over you to give you a light hug.

Behind Mary, stood Chris and Steve. They shared faces laced with guilt. They too, felt some sort of responsibility for what had happened. You tried your best to give them a smile, but your aching body made it difficult.

"Has Javier visited yet?"

Your memory becomes foggy here. All you remember is the sick feeling in your gut and tears rolling down your cheeks.

You paused your thought to try to remember the last time you had seen Javier, but cringe, remembering how he ran away after you poured your heart out to him.

The rest of the memory was filled with you listening to Mary rant about how much she hates Javier. Soon after that, Connie had entered with your dose of medicine, and the memory ended there.

. . . . .

You sighed and tried to shimmy yourself up so that you could lean your back upon the pillows against the headboard. It took a few minutes of pain, but eventually, you were in a sitting position.

Your nerves returned once again when you looked around the shadowy room. For a bedroom, it was pretty empty- practically lifeless. Two lamps were placed on the nightstands beside the colossal bed. There was an open door that led to the bathroom. A dresser stood against the wall, at the end of the bed, and beside that was a door. You guessed the door led to the anonymous outside, but you were too nervous to test your theory.

You looked down at the gray sweatshirt on your body and tilted your head in dismay. It was much too large to be yours and based off of the fuzzy inside, it must have been worn only a few times. Although you loved the smell that it radiated, smelling like home. The duvet shifted, revealing more of the mysterious sweatshirt that read "DEA".

Your heart leaped when the doorknob started to jiggle. You quickly look around to find something to defend yourself with but was too late. The door opened, and you let out a small shriek before shutting your eyes.

"Woah! It's okay! It's just me!"

You hesitantly open your eyes to the beautiful sight before you. Feelings of relief, hatred, and adoration battled internally.

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