Biblichor Chapter 22

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Connie has been coming over to help you with your physical therapy every day. It took a while, but after a week's worth of vigorous work, you're almost completely mobile again. The only downside was that every time you left the room, you were met with Javier. You would always greet him with a cheerful tone and smile to compensate for what you did. Yet nothing seemed to ease your consciousness. The fact that he would never look at you nor respond didn't help. All you wanted was to see him smile again - to see the way his eyes light up when you make eye contact, the way his kissable lips curve with excitement. You wanted everything to go back to normal, but we're far past that now.

"Aww yay! You're practically fully recovered!" Connie clapped as you finished your therapy exercise. "You're not allowed to do anything strenuous, though, or you'll set yourself back."

"But I'm allowed to do normal stuff now without you hovering over me?"

Connie chuckled into the glass of water, "Yes, you can do stuff on your own now."

The kettle whistled, signaling you to tend to the boiled water. You stood from the couch with little to no struggle and proceeded into the kitchen.

"How's Olivia?" You asked as you poured the water into your favorite mug.

"Absolutely angelic! Sure, she cries and shits a lot, but it's worth it. I can't wait for you to meet her this weekend!"

"Yeah, I've been dying to meet the new Princess of the town. I'm glad you and Steve spent the week bonding, though. It's important for her to spend some quality time with her new parents." You walked back to the couch, dipping the teabag in and out of the hot liquid.

"Being a parent is weird. It's only been a week, and I've gone through every emotion. When she giggles and gives us little kisses, I feel like Steve and I have made it as parents. Then there are the times where she's sobbing, and we can't figure out why - those are the times where I feel like she deserves better parents." Connie sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.

You lean forward and rub circles on her back. "I can't imagine how difficult it must be, but one thing I do know is that she is the luckiest little girl to have you and Steve as her parents." Connie lifts her head and smiles at you. "She'll turn out fantastic with you two raising her. It's just... a learning curve. That's all."

"Thank you." Connie leans in and gives you a strong hug, but not strong enough to hurt you.

The doorknob jiggles open, revealing Javier. He looked so handsome in his pink button-up. It pained you that you were no longer allowed to leave colorful marks on his neck to compliment his shirt.

"Hi, Javi!" He didn't answer, just walked straight into the kitchen for a cup of water. Connie gave you a look when he refused to respond and tried to piece together what had happened between the two of you.

"I hope work was nic-"

"I got you a job," Javier said, emotionless. His words took you by surprise. Not only has it been a week since he uttered a word to you, but he got you a job.

"Wha- you did?"

"There's a secretary opening in the DEA department. It's all yours if you want it." Javier's refusal to make eye contact with you made your heartache.

"Wow... I- are you sure you're okay with me working with you?" It was already so awkward living with Javier, even if you only see him for a few hours every day, but it'll be a completely new thing to live with him and work with him.

"I wouldn't have offered you the job if I wasn't okay with it!" You jump a bit as Javier lashes out.

"I'm... gonna head out now. I'll see you tomorrow, Hon." Connie gets up and grabs her purse, not wanting to be a part of whatever weird thing you two have going on. She waves at you before walking out the door, leaving you and Javier alone.

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