Biblichor Chapter 23

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You were just as scared for day four of your new job as day one. The only difference was that you had some sort of familiarity with whatever the hell you were doing. It was fun, though. During your breaks, you'd go out to lunch with Stoddard when the boys were busy. When they were available, you'd hang out in their office. It was surprisingly better than you imagined. You were able to hang out and talk more with Chris. It shocked you how much you didn't know about him, but that was the fun part. Then there were the hours where the office was quiet, so you got to read your books. Connie had lent you her old walkman so sometimes you'd listen to music while you worked.

It was a great job, no doubt about it, but like anything good in life, there were the bad. The bad, being that you worked with your ex. Your ex you were still in love with... or weren't? It was still so convoluted, your own brain didn't know what to think anymore. In addition to that trainwreck, you were one of the only women in the whole office building. An outsider may look at this and not see it as such a big deal - you sure did at first. Yet, in reality, it was actually a nightmare. Horny agents were constantly gawking at you and asking you out for drinks. Some bold men even had the audacity to touch you or attempt to.

What you didn't know was that this was also Javier's nightmare. He was constantly watching you (like a creep) through the blinds of his office. There were several occurrences where Steve had to physically restrain him from running out and beating one of the pathetic agents into the ground. Javier always got his revenge, though. When nobody was looking, Javier would take them aside and yell at them until they're a whimpering mess. Sometimes he'd feel a bit bad since his mind still struggled to come to terms with the fact you weren't his anymore.

"Thank you for breakfast, Javi. Last I saw, there was just junk in your fridge. Where did you get all the fruit?" You used your fort to stab the pineapple cube that sat amongst the colorful fruit in the bowl.

"Oh, I went to the farmers market."

"Farmer's market? When did you have time to go to a farmer's market?"

"I... couldn't sleep this morning, so I decided to grab a snack and realized we don't have anything, so I drove across town. I made sure to get your favorite fruits if you haven't noticed."

It was true, he couldn't sleep this morning, but that was because of his... special dream. For some reason, his subconscious thought it would be a great idea to dream of fucking you, but it wasn't just fucking. It was full-fledged baby-making. He knew the inspiration was due to the hype of meeting Olivia tonight and his struggle with his feelings. What he hated most was how much he enjoyed it. He's not a kid guy... Right?

"I did notice. Thank you, Javi." You shove a few more cubes into your mouth, causing Javier to laugh at your chipmunk-like cheeks. "Don't laugh at me!" You mumble through the food in your mouth.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it!" You throw a blueberry at his forehead to stop him, in which he gives you an amused look. "Okay! Okay! Hurry up and eat. We should leave soon."

You scarf down your food and make your way to the car. You and Javier typically don't speak on the drive over. Too many topics are laced with memories of your previous relationship together, so in order to avoid that awkwardness, you blast music with the windows down. Like normal, you and Javier trade-in entering first while the other waits patiently in the car. So far, your tactics have worked perfectly! Nobody has caught on to the fact that you two know each other, let alone dated or live together. You still continue to wonder why it's so crucial to keep your distance from Javier at work. With respect for Javier's privacy, you don't ask Stoddard, even though he could explain it all if you just simply asked.


"Wow, Stoddard! Who's that for?!" Your eyes bug out at the beautiful bouquets of flowers that Stoddard is carrying. "It's for you, actually."

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