Biblichor: Chapter 11

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You woke up cold the next morning. Javier decided to sleep at his apartment last night, so you didn't have his arms to keep you warm. You had the worst sleep. Thoughts of the previous evening haunted you.

After having seen Sebastian, you asked Javier if you two could leave, which you quickly did. Javier took you home and bid you goodnight. Once he was gone, you, pathetically, cried yourself to sleep. You and Mary had worked so hard to undo the damage Sebastian had done, but in a split second, all of it went to waste.

Before you could cry anymore, you got up and got ready for the day. Before leaving the apartment, you called the diner since Mary was going in early. You needed her.

"Mary?" You asked the moment someone picked up.

"Oh! Yes, Chica? Are you okay? Why are you calling so early?"

"We gotta talk tonight. I-I saw him." Your lip started to quiver.

"Oh no, Honey. I'm so sorry. I tried to keep him from you. You were so happy I didn't want to ruin it!" Mary's heart broke at the thought of you in pain.

"It's okay. I understand, thank you. We just really need to talk, okay?"

"Of course! I'm getting out early, so I'll pick you up from work! Now get going. I don't want you to be late."

"Thank you, Mary. I love you."

"I love you too. Now go, we'll talk more later."

You hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Time to start a new day.

. . . . .

Javier walked into his and Steve's shared office and started his daily paperwork. He sighed when the door opened, knowing Steve was going to continue yesterday's conversation.

"Morning, Javi," Javier replied with a grunt. "You guys left fast yesterday."

"Can you blame us? You guys were overwhelming."

"Can you blame us? You've been keeping her a secret for so long, we were excited. Look, I'm sorry if we made you guys uncomfortable. I'm just so happy you found someone, Javi."
"T-Thank you." Javier wasn't sure how to respond; this was all new territory.

"Is that why we always go to the library?" Javier groaned. Here comes the arguing.

"Well, we need the evidence right?"

"Javier! You seriously made me spend hours of work in the library for her?!"

"What are you talking about! We got good evidence, so don't fucking complain!"

"Yeah, but I'm positive we would have been back in the field by now if you weren't busy making out in the bookshelves."

"Maybe so, but we're not. So suck it up and do your damn paperwork, so we can get our evidence and get back on the field!"

The two went silent, only the sounds were of pens writing and typewriters clicking aggressively. After an hour of this, the boys finally finished their work.

"You ready?" Javier said with anger from the previous conversation left over.

"Yeah, look... I'm sorry-"

"That's your new favorite phrase, isn't it?"

"I'm trying, Javier! You're not the easiest person to talk to if you haven't noticed!" Steve stopped himself, realizing he's lashing out again. He took a deep breath and composed himself. "Javier, I'm sorry. This is new for both of us. You've never been in a relationship like this, and I've never known you to act so... lovingly to someone. It's new, okay. I'm sorry."

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