Biblichor: Chapter 13

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"I still don't understand," Mary said as she put down your plate of food.

"Just come to the bar with us tonight! I too don't understand what Javi and Steve are doing, but I promise everything will be fine." Mary rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"But I hardly interact with them! Why would they have a surprise for me?!" You give Mary a little smile and a shrug.
"Please?" Mary groans and rolls her eyes at you.
"This sounds pretty sketchy, but I love you, so I'll do it."
"Eeee! I promise you won't regret it!"

"Yeah, yeah." Mary groaned and went back to serving customers.

.                 .                 .                   .                . 

Since the library wasn't busy, you decided to go to the restrooms to change. Mary wasn't putting up with your closet anymore, so she had gotten you a floral dress for you to wear tonight. You shimmied your dress on and made sure your makeup and hair looked perfect. You did a little twirl in the bathroom mirror and smiled. It was so exciting to be going out and spending time with all your favorite people for the first time.

Once you were done, you went to sit at the front desk and finish up your work. There were only a few kids and old women that came in but quickly left. At 4:00 on the dot, your two favorite girls came running into the library.

"You look so pretty, Miss!" Mariana cried as she peered over the front desk.

"Are you seeing your husband today?" Carmen asked excitedly.

"He's not my husband!" You feel your cheeks heat up a bit.
"Ugh. Well, are you going to see the pretty man?" She said with slight sass.


Carmen runs over to you and grabs your hand, pulling you over to their beloved table. The whole way over, they asked you about Javier. It makes your heart flutter at how much those girls love him. Once you've answered all their questions and they've finally settled down, you start the day's lesson. Many giggles and games later, 5:00 quickly rolled around.

"Oh! Hi Javi!" You jump a little when you feel two strong hands suddenly massage your shoulders, but you recognize them anywhere.

"Hi, Babe."

"Hi, Javi!" The girls say, mimicking you, causing Javier to chuckle.

"Hello, girls. Have you been good to your pretty tutor today?"

"Of course!" Mariana says with confidence.

"She gave us cookies today!" Carmen says, holding up a handful of miniature cookies.

"Wow, you're lucky!" Javier says with enthusiasm. You laugh at the manly man behind you, being so soft and sweet.
"Do you want one?" She offers with a smile.

"Oh no, I'm stuffed! Thank you, Carmen."

"Alright, girls, start cleaning up." Mariana and Carmen groan and reluctantly place their school supplies in their backpacks.

"You look gorgeous," Javier says, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Javier brings his index finger to your chin, motioning you to look up and backward so that he can kiss you. His sweet lips mold with yours, causing you to giggle into the upside-down kiss.

"Ew!" Mariana giggles, covering her eyes. You and Javier stop and look back at them, laughing.

"Sorry." You grimaced.

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